Rate My Work Out PLZ!!!

Hey all
Im a total newbee so please help me out with this. I have been working out for only 2 weeks now so could you tell me what Im missing in my work out and help me with the following:

I always find that after I have finished all my exercises and just have bicep and bench press left, I just cant find the energy left to do more than two.
I always start off doing:
-front squat(3 sets of 8 reps)
-push press(3 sets of 8 reps)
-high pull(3 sets of 5 reps)
-dead lift(3 sets of 5 reps)
-shoulder press with dumbell(3 sets in each arm, 8 reps)
-lat pulldowns(3 sets of 8 reps)
-standing tricep pressdown(3 sets, 6 reps)

… and then its here were I have to do bicep and bench press but am way too tired!!!
So my question is would it be fine for me to do my biceps and chest the next day with my cardio?

I can see why you’re tired. You may be better off using a push/pull type of split instead of trying to do everything on the same day. If you insist on sticking to this total body workout then probably drop either the shoulder press in favor of the bench and maybe even drop the high pull too, but I really think you need to move to a 2-day split

That’s a lot of work! You’re going to kill yourself once you get to serious weights. What you need to do is break up your work a bit more.

Start with

-front squat(3 sets of 8 reps)
-push press(3 sets of 8 reps) every other work out alternate with Bench press
-dead lift(3 sets of 5 reps) every other work out alternate with high pull
-lat pulldowns(3 sets of 8 reps) every other workout alternate with some form of horizontal row
-tricep or bicep movement

There you go, this will get you started without burning out. after 5-6 weeks change some of your movements.

[quote]vivalabarry wrote:
Hey all
Im a total newbee so please help me out with this. I have been working out for only 2 weeks now so could you tell me what Im missing in my work out and help me with the following:

I always find that after I have finished all my exercises and just have bicep and bench press left, I just cant find the energy left to do more than two.
I always start off doing:
-front squat(3 sets of 8 reps)
-push press(3 sets of 8 reps)
-high pull(3 sets of 5 reps)
-dead lift(3 sets of 5 reps)
-shoulder press with dumbell(3 sets in each arm, 8 reps)
-lat pulldowns(3 sets of 8 reps)
-standing tricep pressdown(3 sets, 6 reps)

… and then its here were I have to do bicep and bench press but am way too tired!!!
So my question is would it be fine for me to do my biceps and chest the next day with my cardio?[/quote]

Since you have only been lifting for two weeks, I would normally tell you to suck it up and quit whining, nobody said this was going to be a cake walk.

However, I have noticed a couple things and will not say the above. Yet.

  • Do not do a split. Do a full body three times a week for at least the first six months.

  • move your bench after the squats, followed by the deadlifts and lat pulls(pullups or bent rowing/barbell would be better) Why are you trying a bench AFTER doing delts and the triceps? Most of the bench comes from the delts and tris.

Do your iso exercises after you have done the compounds.

This should allow you to find the power within yourself to complete the workout. If not drop some of the iso exercises for a short time while your body gets used to lifting.

Good Luck.