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In Need of Help , on My OverAll , Routine Getting Ripped

If this is a serious post and you are looking for advice, you should read the first thread in this section and try again.

You look legit. Most of the folks here are very quick to call troll, so put up the rest of your pictures and see if you can add leg shots.
In any case, you look solid but smooth.

Learn the basics of written communication, unless you actually talk the way you type, in which case your physique is the least of your problems.

If you feel like your upper chest is lagging, I would focus on incline movements instead of decline or flat pressing. As far as getting lean goes, how are you currently eating and are you doing any cardio?

Something I don;t understand …why does he have ‘HELP’ written next to each photo of his, and his video as well. He has decent size and needs better proportion, and there’s no reason to worry about that unless youre stepping on stage…

And while he is smooth, his bodyfat looks normal. Something very weird about this guy, anyone else agree. The language, the pleading, etc.

OP, try getting Dr Berardi’s precision nutrition. Its not very expensive and worth its weight in gold. It should help you get cut sooner than you think.

And stronghold, if this guy has been training 10 years, I think he is pretty much stuck with the chest shape he has (he can make slight improvements but not much).

To radically alter the shape, he needs to trigger another growth spurt (probably chemically given his training age and actual age). hold the bulk for a while and cut down. Adding inclines after10 years of chest training WILL make some change, but its not the same as adding it in your initial stages of training. All the more reason for not ignoring imbalances too long.

I think you have some good size to you.

[quote]IronWarrior24 wrote:
Learn the basics of written communication, unless you actually talk the way you type, in which case your physique is the least of your problems.[/quote]


I tried to imagine someone talking how he typed that out and just couldn’t imagine what it would sound like. Would it be extra long pauses for all the multiple commas?

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

I tried to imagine someone talking how he typed that out and just couldn’t imagine what it would sound like. Would it be extra long pauses for all the multiple commas?[/quote]

It sounds as if he’s trying to catch his breath while typing.


Maybe he used this


[quote]Polish Rifle wrote:
LankyMofo wrote:

I tried to imagine someone talking how he typed that out and just couldn’t imagine what it would sound like. Would it be extra long pauses for all the multiple commas?

It sounds as if he’s trying to catch his breath while typing.


[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
IronWarrior24 wrote:
Learn the basics of written communication, unless you actually talk the way you type, in which case your physique is the least of your problems.


I tried to imagine someone talking how he typed that out and just couldn’t imagine what it would sound like. Would it be extra long pauses for all the multiple commas?[/quote]

haha That’s exactly what I did too. It kind of reminded me of Stevie off of Malcolm in the Middle.

do you want me to wire money to Nigeria by any chance?*

*the previous post has nothing to do with the race of the OP, rather his tenuous grasp on English.

[quote]AccipiterQ wrote:
do you want me to wire money to Nigeria by any chance?*

*the previous post has nothing to do with the race of the OP, rather his tenuous grasp on English. [/quote]


LOL. Send a ‘hooked on phonics’ along with it.

But most of the emails I get, ask me to RECEIVE some money from the long-lost brother of the former president of Nigeria. I thought they were legit.

[quote]AccipiterQ wrote:
do you want me to wire money to Nigeria by any chance?*

*the previous post has nothing to do with the race of the OP, rather his tenuous grasp on English. [/quote]

all you nerds talking crap ,Post your Pics
instead of CARTOONS

Less of the hard man stuff yourself and let us see Back and Wheels, U’ll get what you wanted if you do! + More will vote inlcuding myself!

You do have Size but more pictures are needed, Read the Top Sticky!

[quote]funbigguyfun wrote:
all you nerds talking crap ,Post your Pics
instead of CARTOONS [/quote]

I’ve got pictures in my profile; normal ones.

I checked out yours. You look like you have the potential to bring a gun to work.

Oh, and the video in your profile was bordering on weird.

Unlike you, I don’t need anyone on here to Rate My Physique to make me feel good about myself.

Learn how to pose big boy.

[quote]funbigguyfun wrote:
all you nerds talking crap ,Post your Pics
instead of CARTOONS [/quote]

You look like you have some size so don’t worry about the people who are talking crap. Alot of guys on here haven’t built even a solid foundation. You have it. If you are looking to cut, there are many articles on this site made just for that. Good luck man.

[quote]funbigguyfun wrote:
all you nerds talking crap ,Post your Pics
instead of CARTOONS [/quote]

funguybiggayfungheybiggheyfun, your English is about as crappy as your physique. I’m surprised you could actually read and understand the “nerds talking crap.”

[quote]funbigguyfun wrote:
In Need of Help , on My OverAll , Routine Getting Ripped
And SIZE ,UPPERCHEST , Please See PHOTO’s and COMMENT[/quote]

You are smooth, that is first and foremost. But then again I don’t know a darn thing about you, how you train, eat, sleep etc.

I would say check the bodyfat sites first.

Above the Breastbone/Zyphoid will tell you how carbohydrate sensative you are. It looks like you eat too many carbs, but then again, that is just a guess.

Your mid-section will tell you how insulin sensative you are. If you are always eating crap carbs, eating them late etc, it’ll be that much harder to lose weight and transition your body over to replying on protein and fat.

Remember, you body still thinks it’s still in the caveman era, therefore, it’s in defensive mode and will turn extra calories over to fat. Don’t ask me why the Brain came around, but the body didn’t, my guess is you “give to get.”

Last, your lower body will tell you what is going on with your hormone’s. If your body is producing too much Testosterone, your body will convert it into Estrogen. Estrogen does two things that basically suck for either sex when trying to streamline a physique…it uptake’s bodyfat and water.

Because you are African-American this might be an issue, people from Mediterranian/African countries tend to have higher hormone levels. When the hormone levels are too high, the above happens. One good way to combat it is eating habits, especially vegetables. One noteworthy veg is Broccholi or Califlour, both are proven Estrogen blockers.