Rate my Body, Any Advice Needed

Then you will probably like his more recent Maximum Muscle Mass program available for purchase on his site which has you training each bodypart once a week with 3 exercises, one set to failure for each bodypart over 4 days.

Or maybe not?


The research is a science, and stating what the research says is not drawing consciousness, but instead stating what the research has said.

I agree with what users pointed out.

Your 2nd and 3rd pics look like you have apt. Your lower abdomen looks stretched by it. Now I might be totally wrong but I wanted to point it out.

I had it for a long time without realizing it.

Google anterior pelvic tilt if you’re curious.

I had that for a while, I fixed it with good posture and exercises for abs and low back… It might look like that because I was bloated when I took the picture and I didn’t want to flex… I wanted to show my body in his natural relaxed state.

Lets see your photos of all these well developed physiques on a 3 day program… yeah I didn’t think so.

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I didn’t say anything about 3 day programs. I was referring to frequency per week for each muscle group. Your link led me to believe you were supporting the frequency argument prior to your post. If not, I apologize. I train 6-7 days a week lol.

Sounds like we are talking apples and oranges then. Good enough.

I started looking at this Thibadeau guy, I’m currently researching him and he looks solid.I’M thinking to up my frequency and I might try his programs.

The point of this topic wasnt so much for these arguments about frequency and everything, although I learnt some new stuff, but Im still curious about what muscle groups should I prioritize so I can ddevelop my body aesthetically all at once…I mean, what do you guys think I need to grow more so I get a good looking body without needing to train for 5 more years[exagerrating it here].

Since we’re at the subject of training for naturals, this time I’m asking you guys if you know any good programs for women, by any chance?

Train everything, neglect nothing and if you want to take 5years off lifting you should probs have a good decade of lifting under your belt 1st and be awesome at your nutrition.

I didn’t mean that I dont want to train for 5 years… I’m just saying that I always want to have a good looking body, with proportion and pleasing look, without having to train for 3-4-5 years so I finally have a good body. All I’m saying is that a good program means I should be able to enjoy my body since the beginning because I’m training the right parts to have the pleasing look.

not how it works

true, and I don’t really mean that a skinny beginner will be able to enjoy his body since the beginning, but in some cases… maybe with good genetics and the right training you will get the pleasing look we all want… meaning the v taper, wide shoulders,small waist, this kind of stuff… I was just trying to point out that a good trainng program should focus on building that physique since the beginning and after some time you will get a “base look”. I just think that we dont need to become Jeff Seid or someone like that in order to look good… Although I think that enjoying the way you look is more psychological than training related, hope you all get what I’m trying to say.

Have you ever though about switching to a power lifting style routine for awhile? To be bigger, you need to be stronger first IMO.

I make it to the gym, on average 3x a week, and this has been the case for years. Every now and then, like maybe once every 2 months, I’ll get in 4x. More often, I’ll just get a couple workouts in. So every picture of me on this site represents an individual who goes 3x a week.

Maybe my physique isn’t well developed enough for you though. IDK.


This one from kinobody is more inclined to strength training… My lifts are pretty strong for a 18 year old who’s training for about 2 years, I’d say. I think I lack the volume mostly… My 1 rep maxes are about 120 at Squat, deadlifts about 150, bench 110, shoulder press 70,close grip bench 90, pull Ups with added 45 kg… My bodyweight is 70 kgs

Pfft, it’d be way better if you had just gone to the gym one more time a week shhhhsh. Such wasted potential /sarcasm

The OP is a natural, not an enhanced. I’ve seen many of your posts and have the upmost respect. I still stand by the fact that 90% of those out there, naturals, are not going to have a well developed physique on a 3x week routine. Just my opinion.

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90% of naturals and also enhanced will also have rubbish physiques training more days a week so I don’t really get where you are coming from. 3 quality days training trumps 5 days of fluff and so on, also it needs to be matched to recovery rates and just the basics of fitting training around life.

Some people will do better on 3 days some will do better training more often, it’s just another case of 1 size doesn’t fit all.

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Fwiw, not even the experts agree with each other here.


We are all opinionated and I’m sure have valid arguments. So let’s consider this, change does good to your routine. So why not ramp it up and switch workout styles since you’ve been lifting awhile now.

What’s your diet like?