Ran Out of Anaconda

I misjudged how much Anaconda I had and I’m going to have to go without it for a couple workouts. I still have plenty of Finibars and MAG-10. So, would it be better to have a couple Finibars preworkout and then MAG-10 after or mix up some MAG-10 and sip it throughout like Anaconda and then another hit after? Thanks.

It certainly wouldn’t hurt during. I used to mix the old Anaconda with MAG-10 to sip through my workouts (with Finibars before) all the time, and I definitely was pleased with the results.


[quote]mkrozewicz wrote:
I misjudged how much Anaconda I had and I’m going to have to go without it for a couple workouts. I still have plenty of Finibars and MAG-10. So, would it be better to have a couple Finibars preworkout and then MAG-10 after or mix up some MAG-10 and sip it throughout like Anaconda and then another hit after? Thanks.[/quote]

You can use the MAG-10 like you would the Anaconda in this case, but don’t skip your other dose because you used some for training.