Rack Pulls as Best Lat Builder

I added some shrugs onto the end of dynamic bench day. I did iso-holds with 10% more than my deadlift and just slowly added plates. As I went up in weight my lat muscles lit up in a good way . I have never felt lats like that before.

I did something like shrugs 60kg, 100, 140, 180 , 200 , 210 , 220 for one.
After that I just did a partial deadlift 230 , 240, 250 , 260 , 270, 280 , 290kg.

Has anyone had similar success building lats with rack pulls. The feeling was similar to nail bending. That said the weights did feel heavy in a way that’s difficult to imagine pulling it.

Any feedback is appreciated guys.

The majority of my deadlift training is partial ROM pulls. I do mat pulls rather than rack pulls, but similar premise.

I don’t feel like they’re a lat builder for me. Far more upper/middle back.

[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
I don’t feel like they’re a lat builder for me. Far more upper/middle back.[/quote]


It depends on how low I’m pulling from. Pulling from above the knees, I feel it mostly in my upper/middle back. From the knees down, I definitely feel my lats working hard.

Just below knee cap, snatch grip (with straps), I feel them more in the lats than anywhere else.

[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:

[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
I don’t feel like they’re a lat builder for me. Far more upper/middle back.[/quote]


I also feel them more in my upper/middle back.

OP- If your goal is to build your lats then find the movement that works best for you to achieve that, even if it’s rack pulls. I use them to lift heavy and work on lockout without taxing my lower back so much.