Rack Pull Replacement

What the fuck is a “sissy” squat? is that like a quarter squat? Anyways the bar is about mid shin for me so i have to get way down there, and it feels fine, a little stretch in the hamstring but no rounding or anything like that. For me it seems alot like a stone lift but not as much upper body involved.

The sissy squat is a Vince Gironda BB exercise. He called it that because it “made sissies” out of people who thought they were strong at normal squats, which he felt were bad for bodybuilders. He had some weird ideas about not training the glutes or something.

It’s nothing like a quarter squat…

Something like that, but with realistic physics :stuck_out_tongue:

He did have some good ideas though. The above “anti-cheat” curl is awesome.

Just do SGDL from the floor, and sumo deadlifts from the floor. You wont be able to go as heavy, but your back will get some extra work in the process.

Whoa ppl are still posting on this thread?

I already fixed my problem long ago by adding in good morning and it really helped me out.

What about the obvious answer: good mornings?

You go the same ROM as a pull from the knee but with the weight on your back.

Also, 2 DB bench’s make good blocks to rest the bar across and then you get in between and pull. depends on their height.

also, 2 plates (45 or other wise) make the bar at about knee level if you place them under the plates on the bar.


Lmao at your response after he said he did goodmornings.