Question on Cycle

Do you guys think I should keep the same thing and kick the deca? i know what you think Rxx… or should i just do my research and go for it with the deca and that cycle and get the prolactin… eatliftsleep— can you help me with one thing? what is a good dosage and when and how often would i take the prolactin?

Prolactin isn’t what your wanting to get, you’ll want caber to prevent prolactin.

If I was you id do this:

Wk 1-4: Dbol 30mg every day
Wk 1-12: Test E 500mg per week

Wk 14-17: Nolva 40/40/20/20

I like to use an AI (Arimidex is my choice) to keep e2 at a normal level… You can use it at 0.25ml everyday while on the dbol to help keep the bloat down and 0.25 EOD- E3D. That’s just what I do not saying you have to.

i know this is an old post but i have another question, would it be ok to take just 20mg of nolvadex every week during a cycle? or will it just be a waste or hurt the test or EQ that i will be taking?

Waste of time, 0.25mg of Arimidex Every other day will keep your estrogen in check.