Question about Private Forum

Hi There

I am training with 531 for 4 cycles now. I am only training for 2 to 3 days a week. Normally I train 2 days (5’s pro & 5x5 FSL).

Now I wonder about the private forum, if there is a lot of information for me. I will never be able to do all those programs with 4 trainings a week, because of I also do martial arts and got a family… Are there plans for busy men?


There is an enormous amount of information on there - probably too much for many to go through. However, if you’ve got a question, me and others have an answer. We built an awesome community there and it is nothing but positive shit being said/offered. The majority of people on there are regular guys who have other shit going on - we just did a couple of threads/programs for busy guys the last few weeks.

And then if you are looking to get bigger, stronger - we have stuff for that. I don’t mention the forum too much as it’s not something I want to be “huge”. I just want to help others, give an avenue for my friends to help others without it turning into a political/lifting shitstorm. NOT ONE comment has been made about politics on there, even with all the bickering that appears in public. We train, we help others. And really, that’s all I want out of it.

I am already in! Just paid my first month!

I can recommend it mate! go for it!

I just joined a few days ago - I’m happy with the content and since I’ve been running 5/3/1 for 4 years and gotten consistently stronger, I felt the cost is well worth it. Think about the people who pay personal trainers like $50 for 30 minutes and never go anywhere. In 3 days for the price of a couple protein shakes I’ve already learned a ton. The downside is that there are now about 10 variations more of 5/3/1 that I want to try - and that’s just the 10 that I’ve gotten to read so far - there’s literally and endless brain dump from Jim in there as well as lots of great advice from the people he trusts to give said advice.

I am in :slight_smile: