Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could agree that other people’s sex lives weren’t something worth getting wrapped around the axel about? If there was no reason to either gaybash or be overly PC?

Sometimes I don’t think I am gay… I mean, except for that whole liking men thing, I have nothing in common with those preening pansies on that show.

It was kind of funny, but could we get any more stereotypical?

… I long for the day that people understand that just because you like guys doesn’t mean you’re not one of them too.

Don’t be gay Jim!

Nate, you’re killin me. FAR too much fun. :~)


Ah! Jokes! My bad for not seeing the invisible ‘funny’ tag you guys wrapped around your comments.

carry on…

This post is queer.

In fact, I give it two gay thumbs up!

Nevermind, it’s just gay.

Sit, Nate Dogg. Good dogg!
Now shake. Good dogg!
Now, don’t be gay!

Hey, that’s exactly what I say to my dog!

[quote]gay men always i.m. me because my profile includes “bodybuilding” as a hobby.

they pop up and say shit like “so. are you buffed?”

i have got to remove that bodybuilding thing.[/quote]

I thought you were gay!!???

LOL Nate

Does anyone ever say “Don’t be straight?”

Yes, Jim. Faggots.

Ha ha. Just kidding. That’s a pretty bigoted term.

[quote]LOL Nate

Does anyone ever say “Don’t be straight?”[/quote]

Hmmm…I’m not sure if I’ve heard that one before. Maybe you’re onto something.

Then again, my friends and I tend to tell each other that they are acting “straight gay!”

Is that an oxymoron? Can you be Straight Gay?

That sorta does sound like an oxymoron. Kind of like Jumbo Shrimp or Microsoft Works.

Can anyone tell me if these pants I’m wearing make my ass look big?

Well, they don’t have a florist on the show. Actually, one of the five gay men said that in a interview when he was asked about the stereotypes.

I just find the show funny.

Does anyone here remember John Wayne? the day I take style tips from five gay guys. Well, I guess I don’t care about style. Somehow I’ve survived and gotten lain a few thousand times. Always ask yourself, “what would John Wayne do.” You’l then know the truth.

I think the overemphasis on fashion and dress is gay.

Im with irondoc. Girls might think those pretty boys are cute, but they will never be as sexy as a big bald guy with a goattee.

Wasn’t The Duke’s real name Marion? Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

What I found Goldberg is that girls like muscles if you also have brains. leave being a girl and be a guy.
Here are guy things: 1. building or fixing stuff.
2. drinking beer
3. drinking whiskey
4. not drinking fruity drinks
5. getting you hair cut by the barber
6. shooting weapons for fun, food, or profit.
7. not talikng about style
8. lifting weights
9. watching westside tapes
10. learning something useful
11. being kind to animals(unless you’re legally hunting them, that’s just nature), helping the elderly, teaching a kid something
12. watching football or other sports
13. doing martial arts
14. sneaking skin magazines when you’re 13.
15. doing the lawn
16. taking a well deserved dump
17. watching anything with John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, anything by Kirusowa, or The Sopranos
18. guys don’t have light saber battles in line waiting for the new Star Wars flick
19. Not talking about feelings
20. pretending to listen to your girlfriend or spouse(only for advanced guys)
21. deer camp
22. peeing standing up
Hope these tips help you xy guy impaired types.

I’ve known sexy women who did most of those things (well, actually they were broads – the best kind of woman). Hell, I’m a straight married-forever guy and I’m not sure I’ve done ALL of them. Point is, there’s no one way to be a guy. Never talking about feelings, tho, ain’t so popular with the ladies of this century.

And it doesn’t hurt for guys not to dress like slobs some of the time – think of it as much self-improvement…like liftin’.

The butch-gay powerlifting Harley club probably wants to throw in here, too.