Quad Accessory Advice?

you don’t need a belt yet. That’s laughable to suggest it’s necessary. I don’t know why people think specialty equipment is so necessary. For some reason, buying 150 dollar shoes for squatting and 100 dollar lifting belts, along with wraps, sleeps, bands, etc after a year of lifting has become the norm. People got along JUST FINE without most of this stuff for decades. I didn’t get a lifting belt until I’d been lifting for close to 10 years (on and off), and was deadlifting in the mid 400’s.

I personally think that doing a lot of lifting WITHOUT specialty equipment early in your lifting life will serve you well, because you’ll learn not to be overly reliant on it. I think it’s important to learn to brace without a belt.


And if you had used the belt earlier, you might have had a lot more than a 400 DL after 10 years. I found that as my belted deadlift went up so did my beltless deadlift.


lol. I definitely wasn’t deadlifting that whole time, I’m sure what I said was misleading. I didn’t train legs really my first 5 years of lifting. I still stand by my point. I also did all my deadlifting double overhand for a long long time. Most people would advise against that, because grip was a limiting factor and I could have used more weight. But now, I’ve got the strongest grip of any of the Strongmen I train with, and I win every grip event in competitions. Saying ‘well your deadlift could be higher now’ is a very narrow view of things. I guess if all you care about in life is deadlift, squat, and bench press, then you may have a point. Do you compete in anything aside from powerlifting, jbackos? or play any sports? do anything where you can’t wear a weightlifting belt?

Aside from all that, I really don’t see why you would advice a 15 year old that this is pretty much essential. The odds are, he doesn’t have a job, which means you’re telling him to get his parents to shell out 100 bucks for a hobby of his that he may not give 2 shits about by the time he’s 17. Not the direction I’d go.

I’m going to choose to ignore your smart ass teenaged attitude.

The argument is the merits of either using or not using a belt. If you wish to discuss this topic, carry on. If all you want to do is trade insults, go bother someone else. I have too much training history to waste my knowledge arguing with a 15 year old.

Go get a job, so maybe you can afford to practice your sport properly.

I wasn’t arguing in either direction, I’m just trying to learn what’s best. I didn’t try to annoy you. Sorry


I’m confused. Was that reply directed at me? I don’t see Noah arguing about anything, and he’s the only one is this thread who’s a teenager. And I definitely didn’t insult you. Was a post deleted or something?

not directed at you