QD Program Results

I’ve been busy with starting a business, summer school, work, and a myraid of other things…

I train for MMA, but I put that on the back burner (1-2x a week) because I would like to make the track team (and then eventually the football team) at my school.

I needed to pack on some muscle, but I also needed to do a lot of speed work. I asked the coach at the local community college in my area if I could train with his team…they were quite happy to oblige.

I started on a westside program…but after that the program I chose to address my goals was Quattro Dynamo. My only supplementation was vitamin C (1gm before and after workouts) and zma (b4 bedtime)…the only anabolic I used was water :stuck_out_tongue: sometimes up to 2 gal. a day.

Unfortunately, I did not record my results very well with all thats been going on in my life. I usually keep an excellent log (luckily Chris Shugarts last blog gave me the kick in the ass I needed). I just lifted 4x a week, trained mma 1-2x a week, ran 4-5x a week, and O-lifted a bit after practice…also I ate BIG. Cleaned out the fridge, my friend’s house, shut down buffets, sizzler turned me away…

Needless to say I didn’t stick to the regulations of CW as I should have. (again I’ve been slacking)

But I did put on an additional 7lbs in three weeks.

I would venture to say that 5lbs of that is muscle.

I am now on Westside for Skinny bastards and am noticing a steady climb in strength and size. But nothing like the sharp jump QD caused.

Just some more praise for the Quattro Dynamo.

I’m deciding what else to do. At this juncture try out’s aren’t that far away. So I’m going to do the Strength Focused Mesocycle along with (you guessed it, lots of running).

The rest of my training from henceforth depends on what the coach decides I need to focus on when I make the team. But no doubt that I’ll inform him of my success on QD if mass is the goal.

(if I don’t make the team, I’ll use the SFM to prime for QD, then either do W4SB or OVT)

All of that is to say, thanks Chad, thanks a lot!
