Put on Shots, Advice?

wanted to test over a few days, GENERALLY what I got
waking around 97.6-98

98.2-98.4 roughly an hour after waking (other days similar)

night before bed 97.6-97-8

Also my mother flipping insurance… DENIED the test cyp… wtf is that?
no “cardiovascular risk assessment” or some trash

So my doctor is putting me on a stronger androgel for now and I have an appointment with him next month

really disappointed with that and also in his message “we will talk at the appointment also about the problem with IM testosterone” so maybe he himself has doubts about it now, when literally everything i’m reading just says it’s better overall.

I have gotten two slight heart palpitations since starting TrT btw.

anybody ever get this?

note that I have had them before TrT, but not for a bit from what I can recall.

Now i’m even doubting TrT, what if my body shut down for some sort of reason.

I don’t remember the last time I got the heart thing. now I had a very slight one a few weeks ago and another two days ago or so, I pulled off my shirt and basically rushed outside, it felt odd like it was just on the verge of racing. (how it felt before in previous episodes before it started racing) made me very nervous.

I have a dented chest (not severe but definitely noticeable)

hopefully this doesn’t effect my heart or something.

Don’t panic when it happens. Freaked out adrenalin is not the right thing.

Do you eat green leafy veges? not referring to lettuce.
Any vitamin K in your vitamins?

I eat broccoli often, I don’t eat stuff like kale and spinach that often i will admit.

reads as
60 mcg 75 % DV of K (as Phytonadione)