Pulled Hamstring-Need Help!

I pulled my hamstring playing flag football last night. I have been doing GVT 3 days a week including squats and bent over rows.

My question is-How do I fix a pulled hamstring? How do i get back in the game?

Really rest it. massage it. heat and cold. let it heal. low weight stuff once you can slowly and safely get back to it.

If a slight pull it shouldnt be to long just dont rush it better to let it heal.

Jogging in the pool fixes them. You can think Gene Coleman, S&C coach for the Houston Astros for yrs. now!

[quote]Hawkson101 wrote:
I pulled my hamstring playing flag football last night. I have been doing GVT 3 days a week including squats and bent over rows.

My question is-How do I fix a pulled hamstring? How do i get back in the game?[/quote]

I posted this link in another thread on Hamstring recovery. Give it a read thru and use it as guidance and you should be squared away in no time.


Some of the ket points: NO ASPIRIN right now, NO STRETCHING! light massage/art to prevent scar tissure from laying non uniformly, Stim. to remove waste products, promote healing, and you can do light drills to help scar tissure lay down properly with the bad leg in a tensor 2-3 days afterwards.

Cheers and good luck