Pull Up Variations

I’ve noticed something lately and I think I’m on to something here:

To emphasize the Lats, do your pullups while contracting your abs through the whole range of motion (and rounding your back).
To emphasize your upper back musculature (lower traps, teres major, rear delts), do your pullups while contracting your lower back through the whole range of motion (and arching your back).

Please try both variations and comment on how you felt your muscle recruitement patterns changed with each one.

I’m eager for some feadback!

Yo. I can dig it. I’ve spent the last 6 months focusing on chins, basically with variations in hand placement. How I hold my torso is just based on how I’m feeling that day… I don’t really focus on it. So, I’ll try your variations on Friday and I’ll get back to you.

I arch my back so i feel it more in my upper back,ill have to try the other way