Pull-Up/Chin-Up Goals

34 is a ton. Even when I weighed 135 and was in high school the most I could do is 25… Now I’m 35 lbs. heavier and can knock out about 15, and I do believe that’s because I use weighted pullups all the time.

Mix weighted pullups and high rep work, and you might be able to make it by next year. Four months? You’ll fuckin kill yourself dude. Be easy brother.

Fuck the naysayers and prove us wrong. Work on it hard, make sure you’re eating correct.

I hear weighed negatives work well. With 4 months, you probably could go alternate around a few pullup programs. Losing five lbs also puts you easily +5-10 reps. (Well, I guess that also depends on your current level too.)

Work on forearm strength also! Grip is an extremely important aspect. Wrap a huge foam over the pull-up bar when you can do 10 and work on gripping the bar tighter. Watch out for calluses, they come pretty quickly after those lifts.

Eat right, sleep. Having a clean diet works well.

Update… how far did you get?