protein powders are useless unless you are 80 years old and don t have any teeth. eat meat, eggs fish etc…etc human beings were never meant to use protein powders as a protein source anyway.what we have used during our evolution(witch has taken millions of years)as a protein source is the most effective alternative.

I’ve tried pretty much every protein powder on the market in the last 8 years and as long as the quality is there taste is no big deal, considering it’s in my mouth for about a second. But if I had to choose one for best taste, Champion Nutrition’s Chocolate Pure Whey Stack hands down!!!

Gee, tim, USELESS? I don’t agree with that. Maybe they’re a rudimentary form, or secondary to the more preferable forms, but they’re still very valuable to those of us who can’t afford meat 6x a day, or have jobs like mine that interrupt the scheduled opportunities to eat superior forms of protein. But I do agree with you about the superiority of “real foods” over powders, so I try to alternate when possible.