‘Protect and Serve Act’ Would Make Police a Protected Class and Violence Against Them a Hate Crime

You have an issue with imprisoning criminals ? Explain “disenfranchise,” please.

Seems it’s just a difference in values, really. The vast majority of criminals; no matter the race, seem to lack values, morals and sound decision making abilities.

I’ve been an inner city policeman for nearly ten years now. I’ve seen exactly why so many can’t seem to better their situations. It’s not because of police, conservatives or “systemic” this or “systematic” that. It’s poor decision making and the victim complex perpetuated by liberal scum and self hating white cowards.


I’m sure with that attitude you’ll clean up those streets in no time.

And since you work there you probably see that not everyone is a criminal yet, they are poor and poorly educated and make bad judgments about their lives. Why is that? I’m genuinely asking you why people make poor decisions. I could also ask, when they make good decisions, why is that?

Eye roll… Your petty jabs are cute, but I’ve done more for their community in a single shift than most will ever do in a lifetime. Including you, I’d wager.

Also, you do realize we have a large amount of support from the black community; however, there is a caution in their displaying it due to retaliation. It’s truly heartbreaking.

No one forces anybody of any color to drop out, have kids out of wedlock or not get and keep a job. The 3 things that nearly guarantee one a prosperous life.

Define “poor.” Sorry, but smart phones, expensive clothing, cars and flat screens kinda blow that bullshit outta the water. How many inner city homes/apts have you been in ? I’ve been in well over 1,000 at this point. I have some clear perspective.


You would lose that wager. I lived there and I also work there, for more than a decade.

You respect Jordan Peterson. If you ask him about what he would have done had he been a German when the nazis were in power he doesn’t deny that he might have done horrible things. Historian Ian Kershaw has written that he would like to think he would have fought against the nazi regime, there was a resistance element, but resigns himself to accepting that he would have been no better than the average German. Expecting people to rise up against the status quo and revolt against culture and society (inner city in this case) is not going to fix anything. Peterson has said how most people just follow the crowd, even when the cost of dissent is minimal.

I think most of them are guilty of being self serving. Their “job” and easy money is the only thing important to them. They do what’s necessary to keep that.

Love or hate Trump you can’t say he’s doing this for personal gain. You can’t say that about the Clintons and Obamas. Their path through the White House increased their wealth.

It seems most of our politicians forgot about serving their country.

Material gain, maybe, but that might be in doubt. Not every person who seeks leadership wants money though. Power is enough.

I thought ego might be a factor and it could be. But I really don’t care. If the President is trying to improve our country then I’m on board. I’m mostly Republican and conservative but if a non-Republican pops up and seems to have our country’s best interest in mind then I can support that.

And as a cop it’s nice to have a President who appreciates us instead of one who sides with the rioters.

The funny thing is that Obama wasn’t seen as being on their (rioters’) side by them. I don’t envy his position. Trump can get away with being an angry old white man because that is what he is.

It’s too bad everything has to be about race these days. If you’re not pro-this then you must be anti-this and pro-that.

That’s why you can’t have open dialogues where you just try and work through issues. Everyone looks for what your hidden agenda is so they can just label your arguments as something like liberal, leftist, conservative, right wing, whatever, and dismiss them out of hand. A good idea is a good idea but if it somehow violates your principles or ideology and you dismiss it, you are simply a slave.

If you say we need to encourage and build whole family structures in the inner cities, you get accused of supporting the patriarchy. If you support public education you are a socialist.


I agree with all of this 100%. My comment was focused on the constitutional implications. We don’t afford protected class to just anybody, nor should we.

I agree with that 100%. If someone has so much ill intent, or lack of self control that they would assault a police officer they will likely do that much and more to an average citizen.

But it seems that the problem isn’t a lack of laws, but the lack of enforcement by the local prosecutors. My little brother is a police officer and has too many stories of vicious scum who are still on the street because the prosecutor let them plea down to a misdemeanor. I guess they get to chaulk it up as a win, but to me it looks like dereliction of duty.

As far as ending the war on drugs, it’s complicated, and I bring it up as an example of an issue that seems to have a simple answer. Ending the prohibition on alcohol also ending The majority of the violence and corruption associated with the trade in illegal alcohol. But as you said, the crime syndicates turned to other sources of income. And alcohol, regardless of legality, contributes to a massive number of social ills.

Like drugs, ironically.

I don’t hate you. I want you to come when the shit hit’s the fan at my house.

At my church, there is a monster, gigantic cop that goes, often in what looks like a tactical uniform. You don’t want to be on the opposite side if this guy is coming after you.
But he’s the nicest guy in the world. I talk to him from time to time, but I have to time it, because once you get him started he does not have an “Off” button. I asked him about his guns and his face lit up. He was so excited to talk about guns.
I actually cannot imagine him being mean, but I bet he is when the time comes.

I agree that the special class thing is garbage. It’s virtue signaling just like any other kind of virtue signaling.

Soooo, what do you think about Chicago?
Nobody seems to have the solution for the murder rate and murder frequency. What’s your observation?

Its a bad move considering most every time police arrest somebody…they tak on ressisting arrest & assault on a officer…these are most time throw off charges DA uses to get a plea on something else…or often its minor stuff…most times those are misdemeanors… Keep in mind resisting is super comon so flooding prisons with what was a $500 fine or week -30 days jail is a drain on us all… Over prisoning people sounds like a dictatorship idea


Not sure this would withstand a constitutional challenge - on what authority can Congress create a crime out of whole cloth with no federal issue involved?

(And I’ll set aside my "why in the world is the “conservative"GOP wanting to expand the federal purview of crime at the expense of states?” That’s no longer a legitimate question - there no longer exists a principled conservative federalism worried about that…to the extent it ever really existed, it’s been replaced by a right-wing big government model that will use any lever available to advance their agenda.)


I’m more concerned about why they would think it’s a good idea in the first place…but then I expect my representatives to act rationally…

I also do not think it would stand challenge. Then again, why give them the opportunity to surprise us?

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Agree 100%. Terrible idea on the merits.

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