
Okay, I am sure I am going to take some shots for this, but I get so sick of eating the same “clean” food all the time, I had to try them. They taste decent (Hot-Pockets, they’re not) and are easy to heat up. The average breakdown is something like: 6 g. fat(1.5 sat.), 31 g. carbs (whole wheat dough) and 31 g. pro. Anyone else tried them or have a favorite flavor? I am leaning toward the Mexican style as the best so far.

Hercunchained, you left your food product un-named! What are they?

They look pretty tasty to me and I can’t see any reason that these things would be bad in moderation. I’d have to see the full ingredient list to be sure, but the nutritional breakdown looks ok. BTW, I just did a google search under “promeals” and found the site or use this link (remember to delete space before “merchnants”) Merchant2/products.htm

Where did you buy them? I don’t want to grab a case on the promeal site if I’m not going to like them.

I had to take a chance and buy the 20 piece variety pack on-line. I don’t know of any place where you can buy them individually. The only one I don’t care for is the “breakfast” style. FYI, if you order them, they only ship on Tuesday for Thursday delivery. I ordered mine on Wednesday and was stressin’ when it it wasn’t here by Saturday.