Program Focus: Agility/Speed

I am basketball player and I have been lifting weights for 4 years now.
I started with very little knowledge at the age of 16…I did 7 exercises on a 10*3 every monday, tuesday and wednesday.

It sounds crazy, but I made enormous gains. After 2 months I changed to 48 hours of rest. I also changed the excercices for nearly every workout. After 2 years of improving on all the little aspects I changed the program completely to 3*6 and again had a lot of gains. Due to basketball season I couldnt spend so much time on lifting and as a result of not changing anything I didnt increase in size but I did in strength.

I am now looking for a program that doesnt focus on size. But on speed, power and agility. The important factors for a basketball player when weight lifting.

I liked Chad Waterbury’s total body training.
, but as it’s focused on hypertrophy I think it is not suited for my needs, further on there is not enough leg work.

I also found Kings white men can jump impressive, but probably too much, as it cannot coexist with my ball practices.

If anyone could guide me to a program that focus on legs abdominals, to reach strength and agility I would be thankful.

Black Star

What do you think of, working 3 times a week on something like this:
Squats without weight 10 reps
Sqauats with bar 10 reps
Working Sets:
Squats 46 18 RM speed: 10X
Deadlift 3
6 18 RM speed: 10X
Box Jumps: 110
Calf Raises: 1
20 speed: 20X
Bench Press: 26 8 RM: 10X
Rows: 2
10 12RM 101
Military Press: 210 12 RM: 10X
Pull Downs: 2
8 10RM 10X

From workout to workout, change the excercies like bench press, incline press
seated row, standig row
barbell military, dumb bell, standing, seated
pull downs pull ups

And as CW did, every 2 nd week perform antagonist sets.

btw I am 6’6 and 190lbs

Chad Waterbury’s Strength Focused Mesocycle or Dan John’s One Lift a Day.

You can do a T-Nation search and look for the article by Christian Thibaudeau entitled behind the iron curtain. Its a good article and has a routine that you are searching for.

[quote]blackstar wrote:
I am basketball player and I have been lifting weights for 4 years now.
I started with very little knowledge at the age of 16…I did 7 exercises on a 10*3 every monday, tuesday and wednesday.

It sounds crazy, but I made enormous gains. After 2 months I changed to 48 hours of rest. I also changed the excercices for nearly every workout. After 2 years of improving on all the little aspects I changed the program completely to 3*6 and again had a lot of gains. Due to basketball season I couldnt spend so much time on lifting and as a result of not changing anything I didnt increase in size but I did in strength.

I am now looking for a program that doesnt focus on size. But on speed, power and agility. The important factors for a basketball player when weight lifting.

I liked Chad Waterbury’s total body training.
, but as it’s focused on hypertrophy I think it is not suited for my needs, further on there is not enough leg work.

I also found Kings white men can jump impressive, but probably too much, as it cannot coexist with my ball practices.

If anyone could guide me to a program that focus on legs abdominals, to reach strength and agility I would be thankful.

Black Star[/quote]

Is CW strength mesocycle, the next big three?