Primo & Anti-E

Do you need anti-E’s when cycling Primo only?

I suggest you google primobolan profile. The question you just asked is basically primo 101. Asking a question like that shows that you are nowhere near clued up enough to even consider this. Now go do some research before the rest of us tear you a new ass

I’m sorry for the retarded question. Dis regard. I was thinking of something else and typing another.

nice rebound!! that just made it worse…

[quote]GettingBig wrote:
I’m sorry for the retarded question. Dis regard. I was thinking of something else and typing another.[/quote]

Hey bro, a stupid question to one is not to another. But you definitely do need to do some basic studying up, especially before the elitist who know everything come down on you and flame you. I think that some people think that if they know the answer then it most be a stupid question. But, a good point regarding gaining some knowledge for yourself, especially when one is considering injecting/taking these compounds.

Thanks for burnin me bros. I asked a stupid question. I desirved it. I have been reading gear profiles for a couple months now and my brain is a little f-ed up.

[quote]GettingBig wrote:
Thanks for burnin me bros. I asked a stupid question. I desirved it. I have been reading gear profiles for a couple months now and my brain is a little f-ed up.[/quote]

“Thank you sir, may I have another”…

Dude, sounds like you need a bit of confidence. How old are you? All the profiles in the world will not take months to read, sounds like you need a little direction and focus.

Don’t call us bros one your fourth post. This is not a bro-telligence centered forum.


“Thank you sir, may I have another”…

Dude, sounds like you need a bit of confidence. How old are you? All the profiles in the world will not take months to read, sounds like you need a little direction and focus.[/quote]

Thats why I am here for a little direction. I just need some advice. Yes I have a problem with confidence. I have been training for about a year. I have lost a considerible amount of fat but I still have the image of myself one year ago. I recently figured out that there is no such thing of a miracle pill or miricle drugs. That was a big step. Since reading different forums around the web. I have noticed that I was doing alot of things wrong.

I have adjusted my diet from 3 meals a day with 700 cals per meal to 5 meals a day with 300-500 cals per meal. I have a diligent gym schedule. I do cardio 6-7 days per week and I lift 5-6 days per week. I was 410 lbs and now 355 lbs. My blood pressure was 150/90 and now 135/78. I was Hypoglicemic now I have a stable blood sugar level. I say I have been reading for months because I really want something to give me more of an edge. I just have been contemplating weather to do it or not. Give me a break guys. Instead of burnin me give me some advice. I would really appreciate it.

This all seems a bit fishy and I shud probably be screaming TROLL about now but jus in case you are a big lad with esteem issues heres my good deed for the day.

If you truly weigh 300+ LBS then I and everyone in their right mind would suggest get down to bout 200 (unless your freakishly tall) then start worrying about your musculararity. Train another couple of years and I really dont suggest using primo to try and lose weight. Pretty much all roids make you hungry as hell and you’ll be dabbling in summat you really should’nt fuck with at this stage. Although I’ve no experience with primo so appetite may not be an issue but that aside I suggest you put thoughts of roids out of your head and go to the beginners section.

Probably jus waisted 5 mins of my life on troll and am off to punish myself