President of the US Picks

If our government cannot effectively vet those seeking to come here, then yes I am just fine with a temporary ban. Yes I am being a dick, but I accept that if it means preserving the well being of Americans.

Remember that this proposed ban is a reaction to the San Berno shooting, the woman had all sorts of ISIS/jihadist bullshit on her own Facebook page and they still missed it.

If a civilization makes too many stupid decisions for a long enough period of time, it goes extinct.


Translation: “I won’t waste the time to find what somebody else wrote on the internet, and copy and paste it here, as if it were my own work.”

You REALLY need to create a new screen name
your smarmy attitude is even worse now that you are a plagiarizer.

Max, come on man, the government can’t vet the refugees so how can they possibly stop all Muslims from entry into the U.S.? It would be a limp dick policy.

Illegal aliens flood the southern border regularily. We have a long ass northern border. Red heads from the UK are Jihadist.

Right, they still missed it. Like they will miss the jihadist coming into America illegally.

Law abiding Muslims will not travel here and jihadist will do everything in their power to get here. Some will. A ban on Muslims solves the problem as well as a ban on guns.

Perhaps we should temporarily ban guns until we address gang violence in America? I obviously know you’re against that and for good reason.

Look, I understand the outrage. 14 people died at San Bernardino and IIRC 20 others were injured. This is obviously not the first terrorist attack on the U.S. and it won’t be the last regardless of whether a Muslim ban is pursued or not.

Was the U.S. justified in forcing Italians to move off the west coast during WWII because they might have been in cahoots with Italy?

Was the U.S. justified in interning Japanese and Japanese-Americans during WWII because they might have been spies for the empire?

We are at a crossroads in America. We can stand for the founding principles that have made America uniquely great or give in to fear and fundamentally change who we are as a nation.

Choose wisely.

Agreed and America is no exception.

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No offense at all intended
but I think your idolistic view of how immigration works, is not really the reality with which we are currently facing.

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Bernie’s wife was president of Burlington College, which is now going bankrupt. Anyone shocked ?


Lol, well, I didn’t vote for Obama either time even though I’m clearly an HRC enabler

We’ve tried isolationism and it failed miserably. I don’t think it is wise to go down this road, again.

*Not saying you specifically want that

I hear you on that
I am by no means an isolationist. But you want to believe these folks want to assimilate to our way of life. And that is noble.

I believe they want US to assimilate to THEM.

I also firmly believe the progressive movement is 100% for this, as these people will vote that direction.

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This also isn’t pre massive welfare state. In the past immigrants were forced to a large degree to economically integrate

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What reckless immigration does to an economy, when you import the poor, it votes Democrat.

The latest figures have just been released, and the top 1% paid nearly half — 48% — of the state’s personal income taxes in 2014. That’s pretty generous sharing. The other roughly half of the revenue came from 99% of the taxpayers. Well, not exactly all of them.

The bottom 60% were good for only 2% of the taxes. But the highest 10% contributed 79%, according to the state Franchise Tax Board. OK, but the top 1% earned the most, right? Right. They earned about 24% of the income, but paid 48% of the taxes.

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Is it noble or virtuous? To me acting noble or virtuous can only occur in context.

He KNOWS Islamic texts call for the subjugation of non-Muslims

He KNOWS the penalty for apostasy in islam is death

He KNOWS of the rapes and crime committed by Muslim immigrants in Europe. Forget the refugees/migrants google Rotherham rapes to see what legal Pakistani muslim immigrants have been doing in England

He KNOWS of the support Muslims in the West have for Sharia Law.

Based on that, can he really be labeled noble or virtuous for holding these views in the face all of this information?

No, and you missed the point. The point is

  1. Israel identifies quite officially AS a “Jewish State”. The USA does not identify AS a state of any one religion, or culture. In case you missed it, we can’t. That whole 1st amendment thing.

  2. If what you say is right concerning immigration–and I don’t believe you are correct, but if it is correct–Israel has banned EVERYONE not a Jew. This would be analogous to the USA banning everybody who is not a Native American from being a citizen. All races, all creeds, all religions. Not just 1 specific target picked out of the bunch.

  3. Immigration is non synonymous with “citizenship” and the test for “allowing immigration” to the country is not “allowing them to become citizens” Do you know how many people are permanent immigrants here, legally, but not citizens? A ton. And MANY other countries allow permanent immigration without granting citizenship.

  4. “being perfectly happy with
only 3 month temporary visas” is not the same as what you have been arguing that the USA should do either. You are either moving the goalpost or walking your original statement back. If you’re rethinking your original statement and walking it back, that’s fine but you should recognize that. It is materially and substantially different than what you said originally and have been arguing. Also, you can’t ban a religion–it will almost certainly be found unconstitutional–and at the very least you can’t practically enforce it. So please quit saying it.

In any case regarding that I would say that 3 month is too short, specifically for PhDs, MBAs, and a whole host of other highly educated people that are either pursuing their next level of education or pursuing long term business deals.

Nope! Not at all.

If you can’t manage a college, you probably can’t manage the country.

I agree with this.

However, there are large swathes of Hispanic immigrants who a) immigrated legally and b) want to be Americans. The fact that they want to hold on to their cultural heritage (in much the same way as previous immigration from Italians, Poles, Irish, and others wanted to keep aspects of their heritage) is not the same as the people in the pictures you have provided, who want to overtake us and sow retribution. These are two wildly different things and wildly different segments of the same ethnic group.

Not everybody wants to assimilate. And those people need to be filtered out as best as possible and then deported if they break the law after making it through.

Nothing mentioned is the same thing as a total ban, temporary or otherwise, on a specific religion.

Just because USMC and I are against the idea of a ban does not mean we want porous unfiltered borders or that we want illegal immigrants to foment idiological unrest via La Raza or anything like it.

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Again these sentiments are noble, and I do not disagree.

To be sure there are large swaths of hispanics who immegrated legally and wish to integrate.

But, who do the politicians pander too? The 11.1 million illegals.

Who did Obama travel to speak to? The National Council of La Raza. Who has Reconquista as a desired goal? La Raza

These sentiments are similar to those made in Europe before the tidal wave of Muslims arrived
now with sufficient numbers those same immigrants are now MAKING demands of their host countries not RECEIVING them.

Kind of like illegal immigrants here DEMANDING rights of a U.S. citizen, instead of earning them.

Who panders to these voters? I think that might serve as a rhetorical question.

When enforcing the law of the land makes one a racist, we are on a slippery slope.

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He also KNOWS throughout space and time people have been enslaved, raped, and murdered because of their religious preference.

He also KNOWS men have risen to power by appealing to a population to coalesce around hatred of a religion (ya, I’m invoking Godwin’s law, sue me).

He also KNOWS other groups besides evil Muslims kill, rape, enslaved others yet, for some unknown (lol) reason all Muslims should be treated as if they are evil.

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It’s funny how no one has commented on the 35-50 million Muslims in China. Guess we’ll let them travel here and trade with us



The United States has passed the Immigration Act of 2017 banning all Muslims from travel to and becoming citizenship of the United States of America.


“If it pleases the court, we cannot allow Muslims to immigrate or travel to the United States. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

“Oh shit, my fault. That’s my SCOTUS case next week. Ummmm, we can’t let Muslims immigrate or travel here because they scare our increasingly cowardly population.”

“The prosecution rests.”


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

“The defense rests”

SCOTUS exactly 35 seconds later: “We wish Justice Scalia were still here as we’re sure he would have written an epic opinion. We went ahead and just scribbled the verdict down on this napkin because that’s about as much as this case deserves.”

“1st > some dumb as law The Congress and the Honorable Donald J. Trump wrote/signed.”

“Get the fuck out.”

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I’ve never called for a halt of any group coming to the U.S. I am merely pointing out that out current system is broken.

Let’s suppose that only 5% of the worldwide muslim population wants to blow our country to the moon
at current conservative estimates that is 75 MILLION people who would like to see us in a mushroom cloud.

I think I would like to see some better vetting options than

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Context and math aren’t on your side

Did Muslims kill over 3000 Chinese terrorist attacks via planes crashing through buildings ?

Do Muslims shout “death to China,” or refer to China as the great Satan ?