Pre and Post Results from Clomid: Looking for Advice

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Are you feeling OK on clomid?

Clomid dose is too high for you and high LH is causing a lot of T–>E2 inside the testes and AI anastrozole is not effective inside the testes and will not work. It is the nature of a competitive drug faced with T levels inside the testes that are around 100 times higher than serum.

Try 12.5mg clomid and redo labs in 3 weeks.

Read these stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc

What meds, Rx and OTC are you taking? Maybe we can find alternatives that are not endocrine disruptive.

Your first labs with low T and E2=29 suggest that your liver is not clearing estrogens properly and some medications can do that by making demands on the same enzyme pathways that clear estrogens. Also, labs for AST/ALT might show some elevations. Do not do any training for 3-4 days prior.

TSH increased? Should be nearer to 1.0
This might be from switching iodized salt to sea salt etc.

TT=1068 is not a problem. However, high E2 will increase SHBG produced in the liver and then more T is bound and non-bioavailable as T+SHBG and that inflates TT. We really need the FT range as lab ranges are wildly different from one lab to another.

Please post more lab work, we are concerned with the whole package and do not have T-tunnel vision.

Where are you located? Affects your therapeutic and diagnostic options.

More T is better for muscle development. But it has to be the right T and E2 opposes effects of T. High E2 reduces energy, mood, libido, initiative and makes guys moody and intolerant.