Pratherian Case File, Please Comment!

ok guys
After going all month (since endo appt) I did blood work.
The endo requested that I stop taking all vitamins, boosters, herbal concoctions, supplements, etc.
I did what he requested despite feeling like complete crap for another month.

Results as follows:
Total T 295.7 range of 347-1147 (lab corp)
Free T was 6.0 range of 6.8-21.5
LH 2.9 range 1.7-8.6
FSH 3.0 range 1.5-12.4
Prolactin 7.7 range 4.0-15.2

He also ordered CBC and comp. metabolic panel ( no results out of whack)

my urologist lady sent me to do lab work at our local hospital
Despite my requests for other tests ( estradiol , free T, etc) she only ordered Total T
Result was 146 with range of 200-800

She called me in when she got the results, and her entire attitude had changed. It seemed that until she got her own blood work, she didn’t believe there was a problem. I told her my adrenals are jacked up, and she told me to let endo deal with that. She told me if the endo agrees with TRT, she is willing to look at all options.

I am getting umbilical hernia repair tomorrow morning, then have a follow up with endo on Monday .
Both PureChance and VTballa have recommended getting adrenals straight first. I am gonna do my best to try and push this issue as I didn’t get much help from endo. Any suggestions on exactly what to ask for would be appreciated.