PPL Reloaded

Hi guys I came across this e-book and it is in fact ppl routine but it is 3 times per week
I thought that ppl in only good if done 6 times per week
so what do you think about this?

PPL is not a routine. It is one of many ways to split up bodyparts into different training days. Since there is minimal overlap of bodyparts, you can do it up to 6 days a week. There is nothing special about it.

I’m currently doing a pull-push-legs split 3x a week built around deadlifts, bench, and squats. It can be done; it’s all a matter of how you respond to frequency. My squat and deadlift seem to be going up just fine, my bench is a bit slower to do the same.

Yea that book is also based about the big three and have some 5x5 template that I liked and I have 3 days a week to train so I was wondering if it is too little to do ppl 3 times per week

[quote]Cross997 wrote:
so I was wondering if it is too little to do ppl 3 times per week[/quote]

I got that. And I think I answered it. It can work. Give it a try for four weeks and see how it works for you.

As long as you ‘bring it’ most workouts 3 days a week is an effective way to train