Powerful Images - Our Own Choices

Nancy Andrews

Again, Tori Amos

Patricia Berrier

Pauline Nordin

Movie - Ninth Gate

Movie - The Safety of Objects


[quote]Jillybop wrote:
Pauline Nordin[/quote]

Thats got to be painfull.

Guess what movie?


Movie - Lathe of Heaven (great sci-fi movie!)
(believe this is a CGI’d jellfish)

forget what movie this is from

Rap group logo - Da Lench Mob

Steven Hanks painting


Rapper Paris’s Sonic Jihad album cover

Nice Jillybop!

[quote]AllTraps wrote:
Not sure where this is[/quote]

Twelve Apostles off Melbourne coast, Australia (I think…)

Wakka wakka

Musician Hayden’s “Everything I Long For” album cover