Post Workout Nutrtion!!!

I know this has been discussed to death on the forum, but I have a slightly different question. Im waiting for my money to come so I can order my Surge. But until then I am looking at maltodextrin (I think thats how you spell it). I’ve read that its the best carb for post workout recovery. I also read that its a complex, slow burning carb. Simple carbs are what you need after a workout. Any thoughts on this guys???

As far as I know it is not a slow, complex carb. I am pretty sure it is a quick digesting sugar. Too scientific eh?? I know, I know. This is what I think but hopefully someone else will answer more apporpriately

Quoting Dan Duchaine (Bodyopus):

“Maltodextrin is actually a trade name for a particular glucose polymer derived from corn” (yada, yada, yada) “The starch is isolated, then cut to a length between a simple sugar and a full-length starch.” (yada, yada, yada) “The chief problem in using a product that includes glucose polymers is that you have no idea what its glycemic rating is. Maltodextrins, for example, can have chain lengths as short as 3 glucose molecules or as long as cornstarch.”

– It’s worth noting that Dan is talking about losing fat, and that’s why he uses the word “problem.” The above information is a little dated, but it should serve nicely for an intro…

Now, in practice, I’d wager that the vast majority of maltodextrin in the market is MUCH closer to being 3 glucose molecules long than being as long as cornstarch… - This is championed by the simple fact that the primary carbohydrate in +90% of the weight-gainers in the marketplace is maltodextrin.

Of course, depending upon the propaganda you read, maltodextrin will either be claimed as being the ultimate complex carb or the greatest simple carb… As usual, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Technically, maltodextrin is indeed classified as a ‘complex’ carb (that’s why it’s in crap like “Slim Fast”), but the end-product that comes churning out of supplement manufacturers (and “Slim Fast” manufacturers for that matter) is more often than not something that very closly resembles straight-up glucose.

In other words, “yes” get a maltodextrin product until you get your Surge. - Before Surge was released, that’s exactly what I used (and probably what most other people used as well). You’re going to end up with a rather easily digestable carb that in most situations will cause the o’l pancreas to push out more insulin than had you eaten regular old suger (which, BTW, isn’t recommended because of the fructose).

The only product that I’d recommend for someone in your situation is Twin Lab’s “Fat Free Gainer’s Fuel”. - Get the “Fat Free” stuff because normal “Gainer’s Fuel” has fructose in it. The only problem with using the Twin Lab product, though, is that once you measure out the appropriate amount of the stuff carbohydrate-wise, you’re going to have to add some protein powder to it to meet your protein quota.

Malto is considered “complex” but it can spike insulin better than white bread.

It is complex in structure, but has a higher GI than glucose itself.

Don’t forget to take your protein afterwards too. Whey preferably. As for the carbs, malto or dextrose is the best choice.

where the hell can you get maltodextrin?

As to where? A home brewing store, for beer.

As to why it has such a high GI, it’s basically just glucose (which is the sugar that your body stores as energy) linked together in a chain. All your body has to do is break the little links in the chain, and you have blood sugar!

That’s the Kindergarten explaination that I understand, at least. As always, I could be wrong.

Dogchild: all polysaccharides are links of glucose chains:-) Hate to be a smartass, but it’s true.

While carbs can be classified as simple (i.e. mono and disaccharides) or complex (i.e. polysaccharides), this classification really has no implications for the physiological response to such; therefore, as physique athletes, the debate of complex vs. simple should not be emphasized, but rather ignored.

I was told by someone that Dorian Yates’ Pro Recover is very similar to Surge

Good question and awesome answer by Klink.

I read to the same effects when researching this particular carbohydrate.

Th part I don’t understand is if it is structurally more complex than glucose, how can it have a higher GI?