Post Dutasteride Syndrome, Help

With high normal T, you would want to be near E2=80 pmol/L, E2=161 is horrible. The ranges are not health ranges, simply statistical ranges for a population sample group for men where many are very sub-optimal.

With lower T, why is T–>E2 so high. Some drugs can cause this by reducing E2 clearance in the liver, or there could be a liver problem.

The negative feedback signal of high E2 is reducing LH/FSH, TT and FT.

You can try to fix HPTA or do TRT, but injections once a month is a disaster.

Where are you located???

Ideal is self injecting T cyp/eth twice a week with anastrozole to control E2 and hCG to preserver testes that otherwise shrink with strong risk of infertility.

Simply injecting T is going to increase E2.

Please read the stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc