Portland, here I come!

Nate bro…is it possible…your gonna get LUCKY on Friday?? Naaa…it aint possible…lmao. Just kidding, I am way proud of ya bro…thats my Dogg. NOW if your so called friend trys to cockblock you…here is one of my old favorites…wait until he is talking up a lady…and come over loud and indignantly…and exclaim “Bro!! You got a SET on you…the doctor said that medication would kill the crabs in a WEEK…it has only been 3 days and here you are hitting on this poor girl!” Said with a straight face…you will fix his little red wagon…and hopefully put him in his place. I got a bunch more that work real well if the idiot doesnt stop…the last resort of course being cold-cocking him…cause that is NO friend!!