Porridge Oats?

When weighing oats, should you weigh the amount your eating when dry or after its cooked… Ive been weighing it dry and counting my kcals from that. I hope im right

Yea, you’re right. Weighing it after cooking wouldn’t help, because you added water/milk to it.

Why not go by volume? It’s easier and I don’t believe moisture really effects the mass of oats, at least not nearly as much as, say flour. Then again, weighing things is fun. Carry on.

Here’s my related question: If I am cooking a batch of oats for my family and I want only 1/2 c dry for myself, what does it weigh after cooking?

[quote]elusive wrote:
Yea, you’re right. Weighing it after cooking wouldn’t help, because you added water/milk to it.[/quote]

Cheers man…

Jmw… You’ll have to weigh how much a 1/2 dry cup is when cooked, so when you cook enough to feed the family you’ll be able to still know the amount you want to eat.

[quote]jmw wrote:
Here’s my related question: If I am cooking a batch of oats for my family and I want only 1/2 c dry for myself, what does it weigh after cooking? [/quote]

Cook half a cup and weigh it. Problem solved.

Geee. Why didn’t I think of that? No, really, I just wondered if anyone knew so that it would save me that step… Guess not.

Who cares what it weighs after cooking. A half cup + water is just that, a half cup + water.