POP! Goes the Democrat!

None of the ones running that I’m aware of.

I agree, I think Pocahontas is just putting on a show at this point.

I think what really derailed her was when the Cherokee Nation put out that letter basically telling her to cease and desist. She isn’t getting much screen time at all.

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I totally agree about Sen Warren. She has totally been reduced to, like a caricature.

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Then don’t you know your opinion doesn’t matter anymore? White people are cancelled, if you haven’t noticed.

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What? The majority of those in power are white, most are also male. My vote still counts.

Regarding Sen. Warren:Why did anyone even entertain the thought of her being president?

The Democratic party always champions helping POC, yet here you have a white woman, who LITERALLY lied about being a POC to advance herself above other deserving POC.

This blows my mind.


If you can stomach dairy then you are a colonizer. Deal with it Whitey.

They really didn’t. Check out how many votes she pulled last time

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Not in the news nearly as much, but Klobushar is a bit more main stream than the others. She doesn’t seem to have the popularity which is to bad, because she seems like a sensible choice.

Maybe I hear more on her because she is my senator?

Well, we’re in a Game of Caricatures now…almost everyone running is a cartoonish version of something


Klobushar will most likely end up falling under the category of one without much of an infrastructure or much money.

Agreed. She is closer to the traditional dem candidate, which is why I brought her up.

I’d heard some stuff about that. Really know nothing about it. I like him as a person (from what I know). Has he expressed much about his political views?


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I thought she was a reasonable appearing candidate. I welcomed her as an option for others to vote for. Then, Huffington Post took care of here right away! Her own staffers are speaking out against her!

Turns out she is a CUNT!

Pop goes the Beto.

Mayor (of a huuuuuge city of 100k) has deflated the white Obama.
Well, white Obama without the savoir-faire or teleprompter skill or Illuminatti backing
or sumpin…

Haven’t we pretty much gone through about the top 10?

I expressly remember stating that as more and more DEMS declared:

…Is this IT…???

MAGA…for four more years…

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Seems to not be generating much enthusiasm…

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Spartacus is lackluster. HE thinks he is a big deal , but he is probably the only one.

What makes him stand out?

But, are there videos of Trump being creepy with children?