Pollsters Continue to Prove Progressives Are Right About Everything


Can we play a drinking game with Zep threads? Take a shot any time the word derelict, ā€œblinded by ideologyā€ or any other catchphrase pops up?

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a person abandoned by society, especially a person without a permanent home and means of support; vagrant; bum.

Fits perfectly if you ask me. Maybe mental derelict would be better.

The fact Iā€™m not a fan of socialist, commies or wanna-be socialists like Sanders has nothing to do with propaganda.

It has everything to do with propaganda. You donā€™t know what freedom is, you only think you do.

Donā€™t make the assumption that I donā€™t listen just because I donā€™t come to the same conclusions that you do.

Because you have been conditioned that way. Decades worth of elite propaganda has you confused.

Which kind of democrats are winning?

I use it frequently because it fits so well, derelict.

ā€œWake upā€ ā€œBig pharmaā€ ā€œSheepā€ ā€œPawnsā€

A few that come to mind

Oh, almost forgot


lol, I just canā€™t man.

This is too low quality bait to entertain.

Dude, I donā€™t drink like that anymore. You tryin to send me to the ER??

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I find it amusing he still hasnā€™t figured out the quote button. He can highlight text to copy it but canā€™t see the big quote button that pops up.


I bet he re-types everything.

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I doesnā€™t fit at all you fucking moron.

Man, he knows what heā€™s doing. Heā€™s a damn troll master. Itā€™s all part of the troll - when you assume he doesnā€™t know how to do something, itā€™s most likely the opposite. He knows someone will focus on it and then he owns youā€¦


Heā€™s either the GOAT of trolls or his IQ is slightly higher than my shoe size. The juryā€™s out, imo.

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This one. Heā€™s not nearly as stupid as he pretends on this board.

Heā€™s too consistent to be stupid. His deflection techniques only are rated over 9000


Maybe Iā€™m just not seeing it because Iā€™ve unwittingly been blinded by my ideology, but how does that fit @Alrightmiami19c?

Well, he continues to fool me.

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You know what they say, fool me once shame on you, or me?? or whoever fooled you. Fool me twice, I wont get fooled again ā€¦ Fool me three times, meet the new boss, same as the old boss and I tip my hat to the new constitution ā€¦ or something ā€¦ noocular


All true but since this group has a problem with the truth it isnā€™t surprising.

Coming from the guy who wants to turn a blind eye to the obvious conflict of interest between the revolving door between Big Pharma and the FDA claiming that the freedom of the individual trumps everything. There ought to be a law prohibiting such employment. So you are concerned about the freedoms of the few with specialized knowledge to take advantage of the many who have no insider knowledge. However, you give no credence to the freedoms of the many. And you think you know what freedom is. What a twit!