Poliquin Principles?

Does anyone know were I can find a copy of Poliquin principles?

I’m not sure where you can find a copy but I’ll tell you this: If you do an author search on this site and read all of the articles Poliquin posted here, you will have read 80% of the book. I know because I have a copy. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good book but most of the info is here for you already.

If you MUST have a copy, I may be willing to part with my signed addition. :slight_smile:

I just heard that he had an article about shoulders in the book, and I was curious because I never heard him talk about training the shoulders.

I tend to disagree, he covers everybody part and even has an excellent chapter on training your rotator cuff. Get the book, your best bet is ebay, thats where I got mine, just keep searching, go to no extenet

This Q&A comes from this article by Charles: http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=459528

Q: I’ve searched your site and haven’t really found anything about how to train shoulders. Any tips or suggestions?

A: Throughout the years, strength athletes and bodybuilders have used both high loads and high volumes to build round, powerful shoulders. On one hand, powerlifters and Olympic lifters have built impressive shoulders using low reps for multiple sets on compound exercises such as presses and upright rows. On the other hand, there are plenty of bodybuilders out there with fantastic deltoid development who have used high reps, short rest intervals, and mainly isolation type movements. Personally, I’m of the opinion that people will achieve better deltoid development if both approaches are cycled in and out.

I’ve also found that descending sets and the pre-exhaustion method are particularly effective at promoting shoulder growth. I guess it’s clear by now that I’m advocating that you expose the shoulders to a wide variety of training stimuli. You may want to experiment with low-rep, multiple compound set exercises for a short period (around six workouts), and then switch to higher rep, isolation type exercises for an equally short phase.

Here, however, is a sample routine you may want to try. It employs high-volume and shifting-torque curves:

  1) One-arm dumbbell lateral raises (6-8 reps on a 3021 tempo)
  2) Rest 10 seconds.
  3) Incline bench lateral raises (10-12 reps on a 3010 tempo)
  4) Rest 10 seconds.
  5) One arm cable lateral raises (12-15 reps on a 2010 tempo)
  6) Cry out in pain and curse the gods.

Repeat steps one through six with the other arm. Rest two minutes and do the entire tri-set two more times.[/quote]

By the way I wasn’t trying to say anything bad about the book and it certainly would be a good thing to own a copy. I picked up my copy from a seminar of his that I attended several years ago and I learned a lot! I just think the best parts of the books are his guidelines for program design which can be found on this site.

What about King’s Get Buffed series?