Poliquin Bio-signature

Finished my cleanse, getting skin-folds tomorrow.

Also starting my long trip to Connecticut to work at Prentiss Performance for the summer :slight_smile:

Just arrived in Darien Connecticut. Don’t start working for a few more days so im going to go to Rhode Island to train at the new Poliquin Strength Institute this weekend.

Just arrived in Darien Connecticut. Don’t start working for a few more days so im going to go to Rhode Island to train at the new Poliquin Strength Institute this weekend.

I was recently told to jump in a Infrared sauna immediately and the advice I was given was to:

  1. take niacin 1 hour before
  2. use a lufa or scrub brush to scrub your skin before getting in
  3. try not to wipe the sweat with a towel
  4. when you get out don’t towel off but jump straight into a shower
  5. use a good soap

How did you feel after the sauna Hips ? Did you notice anything ?

I actually have yet to do it. I came back from RI with severe strep throat and I literally just got over it but its on my agenda. Right now my focus is moving forward on the awesome L2 info I got :slight_smile:

things at prentiss Hockey Performance is insane. So many NHL stars with tones of college, and Junior players.

We have 9 coaches all training over 40 hours/week in a relitivly small area.

Such an amazing learning experience.

Like what dammit!! Share some nuggets! Whats like top 5 things you’ve learned? Glad to hear its going so well amigo!

[quote]hipsr4runnin wrote:
Like what dammit!! Share some nuggets! Whats like top 5 things you’ve learned? Glad to hear its going so well amigo![/quote]

I will for sure share more when I get a chance, I still dont have WiFi where im living, but its pretty awesome.

[quote]MaximusB wrote:
Infrared sauna ?

What benefit does that offer ? I have never heard of such a thing.[/quote]

Guys these things are bloody awesome! I did a fair bit of research on these and they are now using them for cancer treatment. Highly recommend the sauna.

Hey just a quick question guys, what kind of fiber were you using for the estrogen protocol? Just psyllium husk? or some flax and chia seeds?

Some up-dates.

Im currently averaging about 45-50 sessions/week which as anyone in the strength coaching world knows, is INSANE.

Meeting tones of new friends esp the other coaches from outside of Connecticut. Tony Parra is my roommate who owns a Gym in the Dominican Republic and is also a PICP 5. very cool and knowlegable guy.

Here are a few recent training videos

Just got the graduate assistant position at a University in the USA. I will be moving to Colorado to persue my Masters degree!

lucky sonofabit…CONGRATS!!! So cool to hear! Got any sweet tips to share? Like top 5 Take-a-ways?

[quote]hipsr4runnin wrote:
lucky sonofabit…CONGRATS!!! So cool to hear! Got any sweet tips to share? Like top 5 Take-a-ways?[/quote]

top-5 take-a-ways from Prentiss Hockey Performance?
Or for getting in to grad school/grad assistant position?

Both?? :wink: :slight_smile:

I will start out with my experience at PHP.

First off, I have been working in high performance enviroments since I was 16 years old (started out just doing tasks like cleaning/organizing the weight-room, answering phones, stocking fridges. Then when I was near the end of my degree, started helping with testing and training groups of athletes etc…)

And I have NEVER seen anything even close to the sheer amount of volume of athletes and clients that PHP has in the summer. The gym is very small, as you can probably see from my videos, and it was not un-common in the heat of the summer to have 10 coaches all working in the gym for 10-12 sessions/day. of course several of the sessions were outside on the sleds/prowlers/strongman equipment outside, but even so, it would get very crowded.

The amount of specialty bars, grip tools, toys etc… that PHP has is simply amazing. This alowed an extreame amount of variation both physically and mentally which I believe helped prevent over-use injuries, as well as bordom with the athletes.

The programs were a modified condugate style. Ie, most athletes would train 4 times/week. 1 being a more traditional lower body day (squats, hamstring curls, split squats, lunges, RDLs etc… 2 being traditional upper body, presses, pull-ups, rows, etc… 3rd (depending on the phase) a lower body dominant strong-man, power, or endurance day. and 4th an upper body dominant strongman, power or endurance day.

There were 3 phases, each lasting around 4 weeks. first was functional hypertrophy/structural ballance/work capacity. This meant long tut, short rest periods, lots of unilateral work on the 2 traditional days, lots of injury prevention stuff, step-ups of all kinds, external rotations, powel raises, trap-3 raises etc… on the 3rd and 4th trainings of the week, lots of barbell complexes, sled work, strongman, medicin ball work etc… (Prentiss might like to say that he doesnt train the aerobic system, but he certainly does haha since the medicine ball complexes, barbell complexes etc… all have the athelte working long enough/set that the aerobic system must become strongly involved)

The second phase was more based on strength/power. So reps were reduced, tut was reduced, longer rests, more bi-lateral movements. strongman work/sleds were heavier and for shorter distances. The 3rd was a power phase. Here there was lots of wave loading, potentiation/contrast training (going heavy for a few reps, then doing something explosive like box jumps, russian boxes, caber tosses, hurdle hops/jumps etc…

All in all, every athlete I worked with got stronger, faster, more explosive, and leaner. Not a single athlete that I worked with developed any kind of injury or ache besides DOMs when starting a new phase. Ben Prentiss certainly knows his stuff!

Overall, the other coaches were excellent! We had about 12 coaches including Ben, and we all got along very well, except for 1 coach who you could tell did not want to be there, and 1 coach who was a bit of a lemon haha. 7 of the coaches were year round coaches who lived in the area, and 5 were there just for the summer. Of the ones who were there for the summer, 1 was the lemon, but the others were excellent! 1 was Tony Parra, who is a PICP level 5 who ownes his own gym in the Dominican training general pop and high level baseball and judo athletes, we lived together and became very good friends despite him being about 13 years older then myself. Another coach was from Wisconsin and is also going back to grad school as a GA to get his masters, he was probably my best friend there and we will be taking the Bio-Print seminar in Chicago together.

He is a great coach and has all the right things. 3rd was another roommate of mine, he is an assistant strength coach at Adams State University in Colorado, and becoming friends with him is a HUGE reason why I got the GA possiton there. I will hopefully see him again very shortly, once I get my paper work complete and we will work together over the next 2 years as we go through school together!

Overall it was an amazing summer where I learned a lot about training, but even more about life and what it truly means to work hard (working 14 hour days, then going home to send emails to school, study for the GRE, be far from family/friends at home etc…)

If its possible and I cant find a well paying job in Calgary for the summer break, I would go back in a second next year.

Right now im in Quebec staying with a friend waiting for the mail and should be leaving to drive to Colorado in the next 5 days or so.

If you have any questions/comments, please ask :slight_smile:

Damn man that sounds crazy and cool. Ben came in did a talk I think at the BioSig convention in vegas and pretty much everyone was shocked when he posted a picture of a weeks worth of clients and training. His gym set up looked amazing with almost like ever tool crammed into its small space.

That’s nuts about his programming though, I honestly expected something a little more fancy, especially because he is sport specific but when I read it again it totally makes sense. The guy obviously gets great results so I am not surprised.

BioPrint?!? That’s gona be interesting. I definitely want to hear more about that.

Sounds like a totally awesome experience and im definitely jealous. Good for you man! Im also studying for the GRE so I feel ya there. Keep us updated! :slight_smile:
Thanks for sharing your info!

first video from my new training center.

Bio-Print in 22 days

Bio-Print in 6 more days. Heading to Chicago on Thursday.

Ill also be going to the OTC in Colorado Springs (2 hours from my university) to take the ISAK level-1 anthropometry course.
Its not as fancy or revolutionary as Bio-Print/Bio-sig, but its atleast as cert that will be taken seriously in the public sector.

Grad school is going well so far. Good grades and getting a TON of hands on practical experience writing all the programing for the swim team and assisting with a few other teams.

My co-workers are all really cool and keep up to date with the literature.