Please Help Me Out

[quote]Ampedlift wrote:
I started working out seriously about a month ago[/quote]
This is news to me.

You’ve been asking pretty much the exact same question here for the last five months.
Jan 22, “What’s a Good Split”

Jan 23 (morning), “How’s This Split?”

Jan 23 (night), “What’s a Good Split?”

March 3, “What’s a Good Routine?”

March 7, “How’s This Split?”

March 12, "How’s This Split?

April 18, “What’s a Good Split?”

May 3, “How’s This Routine?”

And now this thread. If you’re not a troll, you’ve got the worst case of training ADD I’ve seen in a long time.

You need to change routines like I need another hole in my dong.

Based on your history, I really don’t think you did.

Re-read any of your old threads. You’ve been recommended routines and you’ve gotten coaching advice.

Slow down, pay attention, man up, and stick to a plan for 90 days without punking out.

Appreciated… ignored… same difference. Come on, man.

P.S. - If it seems like I’m busting your balls just for the sake of it, I’m not. It sucks to see you mindfucking yourself with ridiculously frequent changes when, if you buckle down and stick to a plan for several months in a row, you’re in an almost-perfect condition to see great progress. You’re young, kinda lean, and apparently motivated (too much so, probably). Do work, reap rewards.