Planning a DNP Cycle with ECA Stacker

You guys are responding with no actual knowledge taking dnp, just what you heard and read. The same is said about ephedrine, etc.

I’ve watched several videos of people who have done dnp. Of course, if you are stupid with it, you die. But the same is true about Clenbuterol and other things.

This guy is free to kill himself if he likes.

My question is how much damn fat does he have to lose to warrant this action? I need to see photos.

Actually given the individualistic metabolism of DNP, there will be a wide variety in reaction as to what dose equates to extreme toxicity. The level of acute toxicity associated with this drug is astounding. Long term DNP and abuse of CLEN will lead to cardiac pathology and organ damage (DNP = heart, liver and kidneys shot, most organs damaged).

The half life of DNP is debated, however if one causes acute hepatic or renal injury the HL will be prolonged. For some (given individualistic reaction is unpredictable) even a minute dose of DNP will cook them from the inside out, leading to death (DNP poisoning isn’t known to be particularly treatable… and it’d be a horrible, painful way to die)

Ephedrine (although I wouldn’t take it myself) is far safer than DNP. I’d equate the safety of DNP to being up there with taking a shot of slin without eating adequate amounts of carbs and hoping for the best lol.

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You copied this from somewhere. I’ve read the painful way to die somewhere before. Have you done dnp yourself, know anyone personally that has done it, or are you reading from the internet? basically, do you have any first hand knowledge?

The OP has done it before. As have other people. And they have lived to tell. So some people die. So what. Some people are stupid and deserve to die. Thousands of people do something and get results. A few people drop dead here and there and the shit gets banned. Ephedrine back in 2000 was popular and the stuff worked. I got my co-worker to try it. She got results and refused to cycle off. I told her she could die (based on the media) and she said she didn’t care. she will die looking good.

My f’ing dr today me that Test causes the prostate to enlarge and could lead to prostate cancer. My wife/ex-wife now told me that Test causes your dick to shrink. See how something is said and then runs wild?

Have you used DNP? Or are you responding to with having no actual knowledge but watching a video?

I would have never guessed you were divorced.

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I have no firsthand knowledge of using DNP. I’m not supporting the use or dis-use of it. I have a problem with people repeating what they heard without actual knowledge.

This is equivalent to walking on the treadmill wearing a jacket and hoodie because it will cause you to lose more weight.

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Nice reverse troll, by liking my response to you. I see you bro.

I agree that bee hive mentality happens, but its not that serious. Just bro’s spreading bro science.

Back in 96’ I use to take white crosses and mini thin, pretty sure those were ephedrine while out in the field or out drinking all nite.

naw, i LOVED the ex wife comment. That was f’ing brilliant.

In other words, following the actions of every single doctor and medical researcher on the planet. Male doctors can actually discuss breast cancer drugs with patients even if they haven’t themselves had breast cancer.

You don’t really need to crash a motorcycle into a brick wall at a high rate of speed in order to ascertain if the first and second laws of motion will apply. They will. Always. Yet based on your statement no one could make such an argument. You’re essentially saying that thousands of years of observational science are obsolete. That’s a strong take.


Never copied anything? What are you talking about, hyperthermia is generally a very unpleasant way to go out (unless it’s extremely rapid and one simply goes into a coma and dies).


precursor to ephedrine is still OTC in the USA, I’d assume ephedrine was banned not only due to the few published reports of deleterious cardiovascular outcomes (sudden death lolz), but due to the fact it was being used to manufacture methamphetamine, ephedrine is a substituted amphetamine, it’s fairly easy to manufacture meth (only a few chemical modifications, any basement chemist could make some phat batches of meth with the right equipment and ephedrine).

The thing is however, these claims have been disproven via scientific literature. The fact that DNP is a dangerous substance with a high level of acute toxicity and unfavourable side effect profile isn’t a debated topic, the pharmacokinetics off the drug and scientific literature both convey the point. Use of DNP causes depletion of ATP, (a pivotal component for cellular energy to be inefficient)…(cellular respiration is no longer an adequate source for energy production, thus cells now comprise energy sole from oxidation of fat, carbs, sugar etc, creating heat (raising metabolic rate and core temp). TOO low ATP production (of which DNP causes) is lethal.

Then again on the rare occasion we do find one (typically with an unhealthy lifestyle and/or genetic predisposition/both, who develops BPH on test

You drank to excess on stimulants? What dose of ephedrine are we talking about here?
(honestly if I HAD to choose a combo I’d rather booze + stimulant than booze + depressant barring say weed as the combo of booze + more depressants has the potential to kill you via profound respiratory depression. Booze + stimulants won’t kill you unless you over indulge in booze due to false sense of sobriety induced via stimulants, as when the stim wears off, alcohol poisoning will ensue and you’ll die. I’d just hate it due to the fact my heart would probably be pounding at like 140BPM.

I have used ephedrine as a pre workout. Still actually have a shit ton of the stuff.

One thing I will say: this stuff really kills your appetite. Makes cutting very easy. I never really found the tolerance to build up in terms of appetite suppressing effects.

It was still legal—and sold at GNC!—back when I was in high school and early college. I lived off of ephedrine. Didn’t appreciate it when I was younger.

Honestly, I feel like Ebola isn’t that bad.

What do you mean it’s bad?

Have you had it?

What, you just read about it on the internet?

You just copied that part about me bleeding internally, I’ve read that part about internal bleeding before.

I was very stupid as a young Marine. Nothing that I endorse now, knowing the consequences. It seemed like the stims made it easier to drink more. Not to mention the Stims made it easier to perform better on long marches.

See, I was almost the opposite- did some of my formation runs either hungover or borderline still drunk- stopped drinking at ~130, formation at 430. Drunk running is like a continuous forward fall. The guys behind me used to complain about me sweating pure tequila.

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You are 18. The smartest 18 yo ever.

We did this too many nites. Puking in formation, or while running. Our Gunny would run our dicks into the dirt just to prove a point.

The running puke is a rough one, for sure.
I ended up at the non lethal course after a night of drinking, forgot socks and boot blouses (managed to get by just tucking my cammies into my boots), was half awake, and was given the roll of grenadier (using nonlethal rubber ball grenades), where you’re supposed to throw them right in front of the riot shields, and me being a drunk asshole, I started giving them backspin and caught the whole shield line in any area that wasn’t protected by the riot gear, I.e. inner thighs, etc. Lot of people pissed off with me that day.

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He actually might be the smartest 18 year old. Kid is legitimately gifted.


I apologise if i came off as a smartass, that wasn’t my intention mate

Was merely stating DNP is considerably more dangerous than most PED’s/ergogenic aids at the bodybuilders disposal.


Well the difference in performance between the two was likely the implementation of a stimulant (of which while active would blunt some of the motor skill impairment and increase exercise tolerance)

That being said the cardiotoxicity of booze + stims + exercise is preeeeeeeeetttttyyy high, the catecholamine surge while already taking strain due to ethanol metabolism (acetadehyde) and increased sensitivity to and output of catecholamines (stims) is arrhythmia / tachycardia city.

Stimulants were (are they still?) given to soldiers in combat to maintain alertness. I have a prescription for dexamphetamine (adhd) but rarely take them as they make my heart beat faster (expected), make me irritable and aggressive and cause me to become hyper focused on whatever’s on my mind at the time

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Just saying, you’re reasoning with someone who said

Imagine that as the opening argument at the appeal for the decision to ban the marketing of DNP.
Imagine Joe Pesci as the lawyer.