Pics of TC naked...

…will not appear in this week’s T-mag. Whew! However, all this stuff will:

21st Century Core Training
by Mike Robertson, M.S., C.S.C.S.

The Tao of TC
by TC

Branding Iron
by Chad Waterbury

The Big Sleep
by JR Elsing

Beat Our Caption

News and Reader Mail

Check’ em Out Now!

*Special Announcement! Join Chad Waterbury in the Guest Forum all this week!

** Special Announcement #2: Buy 2 get 2 free at the T-Nation Superstore!

Crap, got me all excited.

Thank heaven for small favors!

What the…?? aww dang

Damn it!!! :wink:

The Tao of TC rocks! I love the flick, The Tao of Steve…It’s so damn funny, yet there is some truth to it I think…It sure as hell worked for me.

The title gets me every time…

I am with Solo’s girl…have to keep looking just in case.