Philando Castile Shooting

Of course you do because you SAW something really nasty on a short video which was shot by a biased individual. But the problem is you did not see the entire scene from start to finish. Keep in mind there were multiple witnesses claiming that Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown in the back as he was fleeing. Remember the chants? “Hands up don’t shoot” which turned out to be pure fiction! After two investigations, one done by the City Police Department and one performed by Obama’s Department of Justice (and they would have loved to screw any white Cop) there were no such credible statements. The Officer was found to have performed his duty properly and it was a good (as in justifiable) shooting. Funny huh? Do people lie? Oh my…

To address your other point, lets say you are correct that she was concerned about her life and the life of her child. Tell me how calm would you be if you thought someone was about to shoot you or your child? The answer is not very, your hands would be trembling your voice breaking up and very shaky. But for some reason the girlfriend was the picture of serenity. Sure she could be in shock but I have never ever seen or heard of anyone responding that way under similar conditions.

That “people lie” door swings both ways.

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Really? I didn’t hear that in her at all. She seemed almost comfortable with the whole thing.

Curious to know how many stating she was cold, calculating or comfortable have listened to the entire 10:30 of video because it’s only about 2:30 in that she starts losing it.

If I thought that any sudden movement or perceived erratic behavior might get me or my family shot, I’d be still as the grave.

I agree, but with the example that I have given you it seems that people were very disturbed by the Brown shooting. Even though Brown had a record longer than your arm and had just came from committing a larceny at a local store. He was a 6’ 4" 350 pound thug who actually tried to force his way in to the police vehicle to harm the officer (and received for his actions a bullet to the top of his head). We did not know any of this until many weeks after the shooting. What we heard instead from the mainstream liberal media was in short a boat load of shit.

Then there is the Trayvon Martin incident…

Let’s wait and see what happens neither of us know. But I do know this, if you think that police officers are out to actually murder black people you are sadly mistaken. In fact, they most likely go out of their way to avoid ever using their weapons. They want to work their shift and go home to their families and eventually retire having never harmed anyone. And they especially don’t want to wind up as yet one more example of Barack Obama’s vendetta against Officers of the law.

Of course you would as any sane rational person with an IQ over 85 would do.

It’s hard to judge someone based on their reaction to an extreme situation. No one can say what is appropriate and it’s simply not right to say she should have reacted differently. We’ve been coached to believe people’s reactions are as they are acted out on television. But often times it takes time to process when a grievous situation arises. It’s often seems unbelievable and processing the situation can take time.
Let’s not judge her until we have been in her place.
Her being calm probably saved her life in the presence of a trigger happy cop.

There seems to be one common thread that weaves through many of these type of shootings. That is when the Police Officer orders the suspect to not move…instead they move.

I wonder if this speaks to the lack of authority found in many black households? According to statistics about 67% of all black children grow up without a positive male influence in the household. Therefore, when that male authority figure dressed as an officer of the law gives them an order I don’t think some of them really understand how they should behave. Never having that positive male authority figure they have no reference point.

I’m just guessing here but this could be the case.

You do not know that to be the case yet you state it as fact.

Shame on you Pat!

It seems like in this situation the cop gave to conflicting orders and started shooting.
“Licence and Registration”, “Get your hands up!” … bang, bang, bang, bang…

This has happened before. There was a marine in Las Vegas, shopping at the local Costco and somebody saw he had a gun and called the police.
The police came, two orders were given and the marine was murdered because trying to follow one order that was against the other.

WRT Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin. I don’t have any issue with the usage of a weapon in those situations and I don’t believe officers are targeting black men to kill them. The investigation is still ongoing in the Alton Sterling shooting but there again I agree with the usage of a weapon in that situation based on the second video released.

The Castile shooting seems very different. He had no record, had a concealed carry license, was with his fiance and daughter. I just don’t imagine him reaching for his weapon.

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I know nothing about the case to which you are referring. But before you pass judgment on the Police Officer in this case lets wait until there is a detailed investigation. As I have stated before these things always look worse for the Police in the beginning and in the end they are cleared of any wrong doing (certainly not always). Maybe this case will be different but until there is a detailed investigation I am not willing to hang the cop for what might have been him simply doing his job with an noncompliant suspect. .

He did just shoot a guy 4 times for trying to follow two conflicting commands and without pause. This is according to the stated facts as we have them now. I have seen no contesting of these facts. So I will stand by my ‘trigger happy’ statement for now… Should the facts change, then I will retract my statement.

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I understand but people are strange creatures. Maybe the video portrays the exact set of circumstances but I’m doubtful. Perhaps he didn’t like being ordered to do anything by an authority figure (as I mentioned above)? Maybe he felt embarrassed in front of his girlfriend and failed to comply with the lawful order of a Police Officer? Maybe…lots of things that we didn’t see or hear occurred.

Again, we simply do not know until ALL of the evidence is gathered and there is a detailed investigation.

Until then I am saving my scorn for the Officer. I think that he deserves at least that much time don’t you?

Okay…when did you see this?


Absolutely. Its just struck me as odd. The way she says “you killed him sir,” sounds like she is complaining to a waiter about a fucked up burger.

Does your opinion on her credibility as a witness change now that you know she has no problem smoking dope while in the car with her child?

I won’t be handing her the mother of the year award but it doesn’t damage her credibility for me.