Phil Heath is the Man

Plays piano and basketball? Damn man.

You beat me too it. I just posted this in the get a life forum. Simply amazing video. The basketball abilities were very impressive.

You guys know he played in college

Wow… very impressive. What a talented guy.

wow, they showed a professional bodybuilder in a positive light.

He must have a relative that works at the station.

$5 says the camerman was thinking “i’d be HYOOGE like that if i was on the roids too”

see what happens when one dose not read every thing or speeks b4 he acts…you say things that make you look dumb as hell


I had just read your guys comments on the video and haddnt watched it b/c the PCs at work are SLOWWWW…so Ill go sit in the cornner now and shut my mouth

Thanks =)

He’s actually a pretty decent piano player! -lol

So is he 5’11 or 5’9?


he really is the man.

I guess all that bbing made him more functional at piano.

[quote]detazathoth wrote:
I guess all that bbing made him more functional at piano.[/quote]

Well, it’s all core strength