Petition to Dismiss Dangerous Trolls


It’s getting to be too much with floating trolls ala “MONSTERMATT” and other idiots who enjoy getting our feathers ruffled, continuing to post bullshit, some of it downright dangerous if taken to heart by noobs, and I propose something be done about it. Apparently MONSTERMATT doesn’t use caps and act like a fool in other forums, so I think it’s obvious he’s just here to fuck with people on our forum. Fuck that.

As much as I hate the sound of this at the onset, I think it might be time to have certain fools just “taken out” via petitions with a lot of regular posters “signing” them first and then presented to the mods as evidence, so to speak and have them dealt with. Either removal from the site, or at the very least, removed permanently from the AAS forum for their trolling behavior.

I know it sounds extreme, but the overabundance of bullshit has really been fucking up the otherwise excellent forum which a lot of real people count on for invaluable information. I seriously doubt that anyone who isn’t worthy will be persecuted and unjustly treated. But on the other hand, assholes like what we’ve come to be assaulted with of late will be removed and we’ll be back to normalcy.

These are the worst offenders only, I have no problem with people that might be offensive or repugnant, but dangerous and complete assholes need to be weeded out.

             Who agrees/disagrees?

Let’s get a vote.


Agree. Signed.

[quote]Thewannabe wrote:
Agree. Signed.[/quote]



Thanks Wannabe.

Someone give World or Bushy Mod powers for this section !

MONSTERMATT is very clearly a troll and his only intention here is to cause trouble. Whether or not he is banned is not up to me, but it seems ridiculous to let the posts he makes get through when so many of mine, which I am certain are far, far milder and at least posted in all seriousness, are deleted without any explanation.

Agreed. There should be no tolerance in this forum. Because this is serious stuff, and it can seriously alter your body. Good or bad.

Signed, Zeekk

[quote]Corkonian wrote:
Someone give World or Bushy Mod powers for this section ![/quote]

Agree. Agree. Agree. This would allow them to rectify any harmful posts by editing them with comments.


"‘lol bro just inject intervenously, it is much faster acting bra.’

DO NOT inject intervenously, it has the potential to kill you if you do. This member is marked as a troll, do not listen to his advice. A petition is underway.


If the mods do not agree to remove\ban someone from the steroid forums via petition nor promote Bushy\World or one of the other active vets on the forum to a mod, then I would suggest a stickied TROLL LIST thread. It would have some kind of catchy title that I cannot think of right now, but it would need to be updated by ONLY the first post. This could be done via bushy or world. It would go as so:


"This post is the offical troll\idiot list, do not take into consideration any other post on this thread\forum.

Updated: Sunday, April 27th, 2008

Trolls - Do NOT take advice from:

Members w\ bad advice - Do NOT take advice from:

-Bushy \ World"

[quote]Corkonian wrote:
Someone give World or Bushy Mod powers for this section ![/quote]

With all due respect to those members, I think it should be a majority of members all in agreement about someone, not any one or two individuals making the call regardless of who they are. That’s how you keep it unbiased in my opinion.

[quote]Cortes wrote:
MONSTERMATT is very clearly a troll and his only intention here is to cause trouble. Whether or not he is banned is not up to me, but it seems ridiculous to let the posts he makes get through when so many of mine, which I am certain are far, far milder and at least posted in all seriousness, are deleted without any explanation. [/quote]

Excellent point.

[quote]InTheZone wrote:
Corkonian wrote:
Someone give World or Bushy Mod powers for this section !

With all due respect to those members, I think it should be a majority of members all in agreement about someone, not any one or two individuals making the call regardless of who they are. That’s how you keep it unbiased in my opinion.[/quote]

Oh, I agree completely. I just think we should promote an active vet to do the job. I do not see the voting thread, so I just threw my vote out there.

[quote]MONSTERMATT wrote:

Ignore him and all his posts people. Do not respond.

[quote]Thewannabe wrote:

Ignore him and all his posts people. Do not respond.[/quote]

Who? :wink:

Tone, count me in. But as far as promoting a vet to mod, while it sounds good in theory thats a lot of work that i guarantee no one would really want to take on for nothing in return

I’ve made a thread to warn potential trolls, I suppose this is the next logical step.

agreed! let Thor’s hammer be handed down to World so he can smite the maggot troll Monstermatt!

I am in agreement with the idea of certain individuals being banned from posting via petition and the current mods.

As far as an individual who is a regular poster in the steroid forum, I think it’s a great idea. As far as the amount of time/effort/work it would require, I’ll volunteer myself to do it if enough members would wish me to have that position.

At the same time, I would like to nominate several other “candidates” – Cortes, Bushy, sapasion, Tone, and/or JellyRoll.

I would like to propose a vote. Let’s nominate a group of members who would be willing to hold the steroid mod position, and I suggest that 3 of them be selected via popular vote on this thread. Ultimately though, it is up to the mods to grant add a mod dedicated to the steroid forum. However, I believe many of them like to stay out of here, so I think it should be one of our own.

So who’s willing to be a steroid forum mod other than me?

And who likes my proposition?


I just hate how hes degrading the quality of the threads on the Steroid forum. Someone has a legitimate thread, others jump in to help, a vet helps out, and this fuck head shits on it. before you know it the main issue is lost and this “bro” becomes the issue at hand. off with his head!

I agree with everything the vets have said on this thread. I do a LOT of research and reading on this forum. Having to weed through the latest bullshit by Monstermatt and boxer666 has honestly just pissed me off. The typical idiot that shows up is no big deal, but an ignorant and immature person, who posts just to mess with people, like those two needs to be dealt with. I’d be all for a vet such as World/Bushy being a mod if they want to be. I’d be all for banishing idiots like the 2 named above from this forum.

Agree. Signed in blood if need be :wink:


I’ve PM’ed LowfatMatt. Hopefully something gets done about this one at the very least.

I very much appreciate your nomination, World. However, my visits here are too sporadic for me to commit myself. With my business and other obligations, I just don’t feel comfortable committing myself to something that I will not be able to give 100% to.

If this is something that the mods and TC, Tim and family would actually be willing to entertain, however, I think your suggestions for other guys are great.