Personal Experience with HCG Induced Leydig Cell Desensitization

How could anyone know that? Impossible question to answer. If E2 is out of control testes will never drop.

Sometimes HCG only and or Clomid even when numbers a good, it doesn’t feed all the pathways properly.


Hey man, if you still around on the forums, did you ever sort this out?

Did your Leydig cells function come back to normal?


Yes, still around.
After 6 months off test my LH was 6, FSH 7 and my test was around 500. But my SHBG was 60-65, so my free testosterone was low. But my leydig cells came back, but it took months.
After 1 year I started with Cyp injections. Now I use 55 mg Enanthate e6d, 30 mg DHEA in the morning and 25 mg Pregnenelone in the evening.
My test is 500 on shot day and 900 on day 2.
My SHBG is now stable at 38-40, by E2 is perfect, hematocrit stable at 48%. Use no AI, sleep well, feel fantastic, great libido, sharp, calm, positive etc.
TRT is the best thing I have done, but it took a while to get dialed in.
Contacted the metabolic doc, he helped me het dialed in. Fantastic doctor!


@nibble: Hvordan går behandlingen nå som Purvis er tvangspensjonert?:slightly_smiling_face: