Paused Bench is What % of Touch and Go Bench?

The recent post about block bench ratios got me wondering: What is the typical ratio between touch and go bench, which is what almost everyone you see in commercial gyms is doing, and paused bench? My guess is that for a paused bench, most of us could handle about 95% of our touch n go. For instance, at a 335 touch n go, my paused bench was about 320. Not an earth-shattering issue, I know. Except that apparently some people prefer to train touch n go because they feel they make better progress, and might like to know roughly what the carry-over is to a paused bench without necessarily constantly testing. Thanks!

The problem with trying to make this kind of comparison is that pause is undefined. How long? A second? Two, three?

My own experience is that there is no difference between touch and go and competition pause. My heaviest benches have all been competition paused.

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This may also vary a little depending on if you are talking your true 1RM touch n go vs 1RM paused, or whether you are talking sets of 4 or 5 or 8. For me touch n go is a easier for the high rep work than doing all paused reps.

Depends on the lifter, I’m a slow eccentric so my comp press is probably very close to a touch and go.

If you’re quick on the eccentric your touch and go should always be much higher. That said why not just compare your numbers and find out what yours is?

Then after 6 months, 1 year of data collection determine if you’re needing to practice pause or just keep increasing your touch and go

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