Pat Robertson?

I don’t know if “deported” is the same as what I’m saying, but yes, muslim groups should be speaking up. What makes you think that I wouldn’t agree with that idea?

So, let me get this straight. If you believe in something strongly, and someone comes along and says they believe in the same thing, then stands up and represents you, getting it horribly wrong, you’d just ignore it?

The only reason not to speak out against Robertson is cowardice.

It’s the same reason that non-radical muslims are not willing to speak out against radical muslim groups. They fear retribution.

[quote]vroom wrote:

So, let me get this straight. If you believe in something strongly, and someone comes along and says they believe in the same thing, then stands up and represents you, getting it horribly wrong, you’d just ignore it?

The only reason not to speak out against Robertson is cowardice.


But that is the point, he only represents the people who watch his 700 club , the numbers of which arent significant anymore, even though we really arent talking about misrepresenting other people and if that is done then yes something is usually said within any group.

Do you see how it is irrational to judge a religion by its response to the craziest people it holds? Well mabey not if hitler type stuff is going on but most christians just recognize it as drivel and then ignore it.

I think that most local church leaders would just rather ignore it vroom because if they dont they get into politics and that is a bad road for religous people to get into. You essentially have to make sure that everybody agrees with you and thats impossible so they would end up offending somebody.

Old Pat is bat shit insane. He and other like them have lost sight of what religion is supposed to do for humankind. The teachings in the Bible are meant to be allagorically, not literally interpeted. This is so because the stories in the Bible cannot be substantiated, and are therefore meant to be taken on faith. But we cannot take the stories on faith, because zealots like Robertson insist they are literal and factual, which is impossible because they cannot be substantiated. Pat Robertson is what happens when Bible is treated as history, instead of an article of faith.

Who cares about Robertson’s opinion, only time will tell…