Parkour and Barbells

Training seriously for like 2 months. This is my log. All in pounds (lbs). Yuh.

Squat Day:

Dynamic Warmup
-Box Jumps
-Violent Leg Kicks
-Jump Squats

-45 x 3 x 10
-135 x 10
-185 x 5
-225 x 1
-225 x 3
-225 x 5
-225 x 5
-225 x 5
-225 x 4 (Failed 5th rep)
Front Squats (Second time ever doing front squats, still figuring them out)
-135 x 6
-105 x 4 x 10
Romanian Deadlift (First time ever doing Romanian deads)
-45 x 10
-90 x 10
-135 x 4 x 10
Leg Press (75lbs machine weight included)
-165 x 8
-255 x 10
-345 x 8
-395 x 8
-435 x 6
Leg Press Dropset
-345 x 8
-255 x 6
-165 x 8

Posture and Mobility Stuff (30sec. to 60sec. painful stretch holds)
-Overhead Wall Stretch
-90deg Shoulder Stretch (Pulling on Bar or Pole)
-DB Pullovers 35 x 4 x 10
-Rotator Cuff Exercise on Cables
-Uh other stuff…


*ate 3400 calories

Today was stupid. Impromptu bench max out session with a friend :man_facepalming:.

Bench Day:

-Rotator Cuff
-Violent Arm Swings

Flat Bench
-45 x 10
-95 x 5
-135 x 3
-155 x 1
-165 x 1
-175 x Fail
-175 x Fail
-170 x Fail
-135 x 6
-140 x 5
-135 x 5
-140 x 4
-135 x 4
-135 x 3
Push Press
-45 x 8
-95 x 5
-105 x 2
-95 x 5
Barbell OHP
-85 x 8
-85 x 7
-85 x 7
Barbell Floor Press
-45 x 10
-95 x 10
-115 x 8
-115 x 7
-115 x 7
-115 x 6
DB Pullovers x DB Lateral Raises
-(40 x 10) x (15 x 12)
-(45 x 10) x (15 x 11)
-(45 x 10) x (15 x 11)

-Cable Crunches
-Hanging Leg Raises
-Hanging Knee Raises

Posture and Mobility Stuff


*ate 3300 calories

Trained kinda late today. 9pm-10:40pm. Not ideal. My music sucked too cuz phone is broken.

Deadlift Day:

-Glute stretches
-Ham stretches
-Glute bridge
-Other stuff (forgot violent leg swings :man_facepalming:)

-BW x 2 x 5

Conventional Deads
-135 x 10
-185 x 5
-225 x 3
-275 x 1
-275 x 5
-275 x 4
-275 x 3
-275 x 4
-265 x 3.5
Pendlay Row
-135 x 8
-135 x 8
-135 x 9
-135 x 8
Seated Cable Row
-80 x 10
-100 x 10
-115 x 8
-115 x 8
-115 x 7
Lat Pulldown
-50 x 12
-90 x 8
-80 x 8
-80 x 12 (Extreme grinder, paused at 8 reps for a couple seconds)
One Arm DB Row
-50 x 10
-60 x 8
-60 x 8
DB Pullover
-50 x 8 (grinder)
-45 x 10
-45 x 9
-45 x 8
Pulldown Machine Thing (Hammer Strength)
-90 (on machine) x 10
-140 x 10
-160 x 8
-160 x 6
-110 x 10
Seated Row Machine (Hammer Strength) (Rowed with one hand at a time)
-45 (for one side) x 12
-55 x 15
-55 x 14
-55 x 13
Bentover Shoulder Cable Raise Things for Delts
-20 x 10
-20 x 8
-20 x 7
-20 x 8
Rear Delt Fly
-55 x 12
-55 x 11
-55 x 12

Um…That’s a lot of volume. I wasn’t very dialed in this session…


*ate like 3100 calories

Dropped my caffeine down to 0-200mg from sometimes 400-600mg a day. I know this is really bad especially for a small, weak 15 year old like me. I get it, thats why im taking action. Next week it’ll be 0-100mg, and the next 0mg. Had a Rockstar before today’s workout (160mg caffeine, no sugar, was training late again).

Squat Day:

-Legs in general felt pretty sore, so I did a substantial amount of stretching.
-Box Jumps
-Squat Jumps
-Violent Leg Swings

-Bar x 10
-Bar x 10
-135 x 10
-135 x 5
-185 x 3
-185 x 5
-225 x 1
-245 x 1 (last week 1rm)
-275 x Fail (set up really weird, really weird)
-225 x 1 (took my shoes off cuz kept leaning forward in my shoes)
-275 x 1 (smoked it) (BW=148-150lbs)
-205 x 3
-205 x 8
-205 x 7
-205 x 7
Romanian Deadlifts
-135 x 10
-185 x 3
-135 x 10
-135 x 10
-135 x 10

Basically did nothing else because didn’t feel focused at all. Felt pretty exhausted. I think I didn’t eat enough food pre-workout, and burned the endurance out my legs for cycling for like 1.5 hours.


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Just having a look at what’s going on in here. Looks like fun but I dunno about missing reps all over the place.

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Thanks for stopping by. Yes I need to stop trying to max my little muscles out.

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Today was pretty good. Keeping myself on track with the caffeine limitations. Getting headaches midday, but was expecting that cuz I’m a retard.

Bench Day:

-Rotator Cuff Strengthening
-Shoulder Stretches
-Pec Stretches
-Arm Circles and Swings

Flat Bench
-45 x 10
-95 x 10
-135 x 5
-140 x 5
-140 x 5
-145 x 5 (Kept feeling better and better as the sets went on)
-150 x 4
-145 x 4
Shoulder Press
-45 x 10
-95 x 8
-95 x 6
-95 x 6
-85 x 7
-85 x 5
Incline DB Bench Press
-45 DB x 8
-45 DB x 8
-45 DB x 8
Incline DB Flies
-25 DB x 8
-20 DB x 3 x 12
Chest Press Machine (Hammer Strength)
-90 x 5
-70 x 9
-70 x 8
-70 x 8
-70 x 6
DB Lateral Raises
-10 DB x 15
-15 DB x 12
-20 DB x 8
-15 DB x 10
-10 DB x 12

Finished off with some more stretching of the shoulders, pecs, and triceps. Ate Taco Bell post workout.


idk how many calories. not enough.

2020-03-13 (1)

Woohoo last day before my deaload. Might make it a mini 3 day one.

Deadlift Day:

-Quad Stretches
-Ham Stretches
-Groin Stretches
-Glute Stretches
-So ya lower body stretches
-Box Jumps
-Violent Leg Kicks and Swings

Deadlifts (I pull conventional)
-135 x 10
-135 x 6
-185 x 8
-185 x 6
-225 x 1
-225 x 4
-275 x 1
-295 x 1
-295 x 3
-295 x 3
-295 x 1 (was supposed to be another triple but oops)
-275 x 4
-135 x 3 x 8 (explosive)
Pendlay Row
-135 x 8
-135 x 9
-145 x 8
One Arm Dumbbell Row
-65 x 8
-65 x 8
-55 x 8
-55 x 8
Lat Pulldown
-50 x 10
-90 x 8
-80 x 10
-80 x 9
-80 x 10
-80 x 9
Iso Seated Row Machine Thing(Hammer Strength)
-5 sets x 8-12 reps, various weights
Rear Delt Fly
-80 x 8
-65 x 12
-65 x 11
-65 x 10
Dumbbell Curls
-25 x 10
-25 x 10
-25 x 8
-25 x 8
-20 x 6
-15 x 8
-10 x 10

Threw in some pull-ups and chins throughout the workout. Also tried to figure out rear delt flyes with cables for like 4 sets, didn’t do it.


This pic was quite difficult to take.

What do u do to get such a big head? What ur favourite exercise? Jk looking good mate. What’s the plan post deload

lol its the hair bro. after deload gonna get back at getting stronger like I am now. I just feel really sore whenever I wake up and can’t focus in on my sessions anymore

Was addicted to deadlifts for a while, ever since I broke 200lbs on my 5x5 for squats, I been loving squats the most.

Uh yeah, woke up this morning like, “Screw the deload maaaaan, I wanna squaaaat.” Weighing between 147-150.

Squat Day:

-Full Lower Body Stretching
-Box Jumps
-Violent Leg Swings

-45 x 10
-45 x 10
-135 x 5
-185 x 5
-225 x 3
-245 x 1
-275 x 1
-295 x 1 (ez top set, not 1rm)
-235 x 5
-235 x 4
-235 x 5
Romanian Deadlifts
-155 x 10
-155 x 9
-155 x 8
Leg Extension
-80 x 15
-100 x 12
-120 x 10
-140 x 8
-160 x 6
Single Leg Hamstring Curl Machine Thing
-20 x 10 (slow eccentric on all reps and sets)
-20 x 10
-20 x 10
Abs Cable Crunch
-90 x 12
-100 x 10
-100 x 10
Seated Calf Raise
-45 on machine x 20 (5 second stop at top)

Very good workout, squat is blowing up. Noob gains coming in.


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oh yeah, also ate 4,000 calories (took around 13k steps, cycled for like 16 miles too)

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Eat some food you skinny cunt… Nice work though lol

yes i needed this lool

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Swole is the goal size is the prize. What the point of existing if you can’t even fill a small shirt and disappear as soon as u out on hoodie. Gains is life

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3/17/2020. Forgot to log for yesterday so here it is.

Went to bed at 3:30am and woke up at 7am. Worked out at 10pm and went to sleep at 2am. As you can see, this is no bueno.

Bench Day

-Band Stretches
-Upper Body Stretches
-Arm Swings

Bench Press
-45 x 10
-95 x 8
-135 x 3
-145 x 4
-145 x 5
-145 x 4
-140 x 5
-145 x 5

-95 x 8
-95 x 6
-95 x 7

Incline DB Press
-45 x 10
-45 x 8
-45 x 9

Other stuff that I don’t remember

Friend was giving me technique tips and fixing form after the above exercises. Kept it low intensity today cuz I was doing parkour and flips earlier in the day and I was falling asleep during my session…Corona go away.
