Papa's Summer Slim

Good stuff man . . . looks like you’re doing well! In another four weeks, I better start seeing the bottom layer of that six pack coming in! :wink:

Ok so Im already going days without posting…
So far things are going good, hardest part is the mind games.
I am afraid of measuring my stats in fear of freaking out if my arms or chest has shrunk.

So a few things have changed as of this week:

  1. A am now doing a 5 day split
    1.chest tris - High carb
    2.legs - Med carb
    Break - Low carb (try to get cardio or HIIT if possible)
    3.shoulders - High
    4.back bis - Med
    5.HIIT - Low
    Break - again Low
  2. Taking my Peri nutrion to the next level
    Attempting a white trash trailor park version of anaconda protocol… cause im cheap
    30min to gym - 38-40 grams of protein , 40some grams of slow digestive carbs
    20min - end of gym - 55-75g of P, 30g of G, 10g of creatine mixed in 1/2 gal of water

needless to say drinking all that nastiness is a workout in itself.
Tomorrow is a weigh in day so we will see.

Weighed in at 170 this morning.

I have been feeling strong the last 2 days.
Hight light of shoulders yesterday was seated DB press with 95’s x2.
Hightlights for Back and Bi’s today was weighted pullups BW+100lbs x3.

Tomorrow is low cal/carb day with HIIT.

Double post.

Today was hit and low carb, never a fun day.

A picture of my Great Grandpa, apparently he was lifted too. Kinda cool.

Wow that’s so awesome, sweet picture

So that’s where you get your arms from… I agree, very cool find.

Yesterday: Chest, Tri’s and High Carb

I was still able to pound out 2 on 315, so my strength hasnt gone down too much.

Today was suppose to be Legs with Medium carbs, but changed to a low carb day with out gym. Reason is tomorrow is my Mom’s Bday and we are going out to eat tomorrow.

did shoulders yesterday.

Low carb today could not fit in HIIT cause I’m working 20 hours today… cant wait to hit the bed.
