Painful Pooping

[quote]Hallowed wrote:
aren’t we still waiting for pics of you and your shoe in your last pseudo-gay thread?

Hows the diet?[/quote]

Diets going well (other than this little hang up)
Dropped 2% body fat. As for pics, I know I’ve procrastinated but I promise I’ll post them this weekend.

here’s my repentance for my ghey thread




Simple question

[quote]handsomedevil wrote:
So today I learned firsthand the benifits of getting enough fiber.

I had to go see a doctor because my asshole kept hurting, especially after my bowel movement yesterday (I can already hear the gay jokes headed my way lol)

Doctor tells me I had a small tear in the vicinity of my rectum from pooping too big of a shit. He told me to get some Ex-Lax to soften my poop so that the tear can heal.

Unfortunatly, the ex lax cannot soften the turd I’ve been too scared to pass all day.

This was the first time I’ve cried from physical, bodily pain in many years. I broke a sweat I was in so much pain!

So, yeah…if I had eaten more fiber my poop probably wouldn’t have resembled cinder blocks and I probably would have ripped my ass.[/quote]

[quote]enrac wrote:

[quote]handsomedevil wrote:
So today I learned firsthand the benifits of getting enough fiber.

I had to go see a doctor because my asshole kept hurting, especially after my bowel movement yesterday (I can already hear the gay jokes headed my way lol)

Doctor tells me I had a small tear in the vicinity of my rectum from pooping too big of a shit. He told me to get some Ex-Lax to soften my poop so that the tear can heal.

Unfortunatly, the ex lax cannot soften the turd I’ve been too scared to pass all day.

This was the first time I’ve cried from physical, bodily pain in many years. I broke a sweat I was in so much pain!

So, yeah…if I had eaten more fiber my poop probably wouldn’t have resembled cinder blocks and I probably would have ripped my ass.[/quote]

I am NOT clicking that link