"Pacific Islander" Separate from Asian American?

How would s/he get ID or an accountant without whities?

He may have the secret line of Hannibal DNA. He’s definitely one of my more interesting friends. I’m not ready to rule it out. I’ll give him a pass on the claim, and continue making jokes about wreaking total devastation upon him and then salting the earth.

He’s brought some good judo that he learned back home. Definitely much better than most on his feet.


I know of no one who is “annoyed at the many types of genders and sexual orientation out there.” I think people are understandably skeptical of terms like “non-binary” and “gender fluid” because they simply doubt that these terms correspond to anything in reality. Like “AAPI” and “Latinx,” they are terms meant to convey the political stance (and presumably virtue) of the speaker rather than meaningful information about the subject. If I talk about non-binary Latinx people, I’ve told you little more than that I’m virtuous and a member of Blue America.


I second this.

To me it’s hilarious how Anya Taylor Joy - the lead from Queen’s Gambit - in the US woke media went in an instant from the whitest possible actress to a proud Latina after they found out her first language is Spanish that and her parent(s) hold Argentinian nationality.

It’s obviously she’s got more in common with Guatemalan day laborers than with the privileged moneyed elite she grew up in. She speaks the language of the oppressed.

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So what do you think of “god fearing”? Does that term correspond to anything in reality? Does “american” convey anymore information than “latinx”?

If I talk about god fearing red blooded Americans, have I told you more than that Im a virtuous member of red america.


I always understood “God-fearing” to refer to religious people broadly and Christian-Americans more specifically. Some would say it includes Jews, Muslims, pagans and any other people who might fear the consequences of God’s wrath.

It is an inherently vague term, open to a wide degree of interpretation, but you can at least narrow out atheists and probably agnostics.

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Blonde, German looking Argentinian national.

Ruh roh, she might have some skeletons in the closet a couple generations back…

Another interesting thought about my African friend is all of the eyebrows he would raise if he insisted that people refer to him as an “African-American”.

He’s literally an American citizen who was born and raised in Africa. He looks vaguely like this, I suppose.

Their beliefs may vary but they have one thing in common: they are not based on reality. In fact, they’re based on the idea that there is no reality.

And I don’t have a problem calling someone she if they were born a he. I don’t have a problem using they, them, their for a person who doesn’t want to be considered one of the two sexes. I do have a problem with the idea that I would need to learn 100 new pronouns because some emotionally fragile lunatics are basically trolling society. As someone who speaks multiple languages, that would possibly create a thousand or more new pronouns for me to learn and let’s not get into noun, adjective, plural agreement.

Just give it your best shot to use the preferred pronoun. If it keeps tripping you up, just use their name constantly like a bad salesman haha. Idk, I’ve never really had a problem managing it personally or professionally. It’s like learning someone’s name and how to pronounce it. Just give it an honest try. YMMV.

The flip side is a weird pronoun user can’t expect folks to get it right straight away, and they need to be understanding. They always have been IME, except one time… But assholes come in all genders.

It’s interesting that I’ve NEVER identified myself as “Asian” in my life except online because I, well, live in Asia lol.

I don’t see where the outrage is. He’s just stating a fact. There would be pure outrage from certain groups of the people lumped together if they were larger in numbers.

I don’t really buy this. I think science just hasn’t caught up with it yet.

Agree with this to an extent in line with what I wrote above. At this moment in time, someone’s race can be more or less clearly defined and there’s a very distinct separation amongst lots of them culturally, which is also dependant on variables like geography.

The spectrum of gender identities, even though I’ve expressed my opinion on this above, are still new and confusing to anyone IN THE WORLD including THAILAND who’s not remotely educated on this stuff. If you want mass acceptance, getting outraged and acting out just gives the ones who really hate you an opportunity to “prove” how unstable you are.

We see a lot of videos of single transgender people behaving like loons on YouTube. Some obviously also have some kind of real mental condition. I’m sure 99.9% of transgenders do not behave like that. That won’t stop some fuckhead from posting it and going, “See? This proves All of them are LOONS!”.

We don’t see this shit in S.E Asia despite transgenders having long been around in Thailand and lots even go overseas to work as sex workers to earn money for their relevant surgeries. Sure there’s still a stigma, but not many people are actually upset that they exist even though most locals where I live only see them working in the vice trade. Sure, there’s a still a stigma but it’s changed drastically over time and this was BEFORE all this stuff about gender started making international headlines.

Even when it comes to race and culture, my default response to anyone without any bad intentions who isn’t familiar with them is to explain stuff to them. When people started calling COVID the “Chinese Virus”, I didn’t go ballistic when people here started calling it that because I knew the anger was directed at the CCP, not Chinese people.

I responded to one guy simply stating that “Chinese” is considered a “race” despite also being a nationality for citizens of China and if that caught on, Chinese people all over the world are going to get shit from others.

China then went into verbal retaliation mode without any such consideration and shit really hit the fan. I’m thinking they actually wanted to piss off people overseas to start shit so they could play the victim and eventual saviour while making Trump look stupid.

The Indian media fucked it up themselves when THEY started calling the B1617 (or whatever strain it’s known as) “The Indian Strain” lol. Ironically, we were trying to be diplomatic by calling it the “South Asian Strain” although I don’t think that was appropriate either. But Modhi hasn’t been dissing any other countries for using the term.

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As if you could remember them all.

Once the white supremacy is removed.

It’s all just politics. I think it’s the same as your first/second generation immigrants not displaying their outrage when being lumped with other races, nationalities etc at this time because they’re currently relatively low in numbers.

We’ve seen this happen here long ago. Now they’re a lot more vocal, to say the least. BUT it’s not really a bad thing. I think I wrote something about this in “The Stupid Thread” but I can’t go too much into it online. I’m guessing on your end right now, they’re numerous enough to have a voice as a whole, but not enough for their individual groups. (The racial stuff)

This doesn’t mean I don’t have the urge to slap an “Asian” who knows nothing about Chinese culture write articles complaining about shit like the “Mulan movie should have been made by Asians” as if we are all one homogeneous race. What the fuck would a Pakistani born and bred in the US know about Chinese culture? I’d rather have a White person who grew up in China at the helm than some “Asian” who doesn’t even fucking speak the language. This shit is about culture, not race.

That being said, there will always be individuals who seek to capitalize on anything they can get their hands on for their own benefit. Marxists, “Anti-White Supremist”, climate activists etc.

Even during the HK protests, opportunists seized the opportunity to start shit for their own gain even though they were on the right side. Look at how they eventually fucked things up for everyone. It’s not exclusive to race nor even this whole gender identity shitstorm.


Doesn’t mean science pertaining to the topic in question won’t eventually catch up despite all this political shit.

I’m not defending “god fearing red blooded Americans” as a legitimate topic of intelligent discourse. I concede that it is much like the example I gave in that it is designed to signal the virtue of the speaker.
Examples of truly meaningful categories would be “the Cuban refugee community in Miami” or “residents of Manhattan’s Chinatown.” These are specific enough to have some meaningful discussions about. For instance, why does the former group tend to be reliably Republican? Do members of the latter group perceive an increase in street violence over the past year? We can have real discussions about these topics that don’t involve virtue-signaling by the speaker.

Lol. It’s only a matter of time before the king of Spain is also a proud Latino.

How about Gisele Bündchen? Is she a proud latina?

It’s like those fucking idiots don’t know that there’s plenty of ethnicities other than “latino” south of the USA.


I don’t think the progressives with their alphabet of racial classification can wrap their heads around Brazilians in general, let alone Brazilians of German descent.

I remember a while back - was it The Young Turks? - losing it over Brazilian Confederados.

Speaking of Brazilians supermodels, I’d much rather talk about Adriana Lima. It’s not even a contest between her and Giselle.

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