P+C Breakfast Meal

I usually wake up and have about 60 seconds to either eat or take something with me to eat while skating to school, so oatmeal really doesn’t cut it for speed or portability. What do you suggest to replace oatmeal? I try to consume about 1.5 cups of oatmeal and some blueberries for breakfast, which is a little less than 100g carbs, and it usually takes me about 20-30 minutes to finish eating.
Is a shake made with 16 oz. skim milk (24 g carbs, 16g protein) + 4 medium bananas (96 g carbs, no protein) + a scoop of whey (22g protein) an acceptable subsitute for a bowl of oatmeal, or will it provoke too high of an insulin response for breakfast? Should I add more fruits? Blueberries sound like fun. :smiley:

You don’t need four bananas. One or two would be fine. Also, I’d try to make your powder more of a casein based (slowly digested) powder. i.e. Low-Carb Grow! (when it comes back at least). My favorite is some sort of berries as my fruit for b-fast…ras, blue, black, strawberries.


Yeah I agree with the previous post - you don’t need four bananas. Even in times of out and out bulking I don’t think that you need more than 100g of carbs at breakfast. A slower digesting protein in the mix would also be a good.

16 oz skim, 2 medium bananas, a quarter pound of frozen blueberries, half a scoop of whey and a serving or two of fat free cottage cheese, blended, then?

Wake up 15 minutes earlier and get some solid food.

Is your oatmeal consumption time based on cooking? You could either not bother to cook it or cook a big pot and toss it in the fridge.

I’m a bit of an oatmeal fanatic since it is so damned cheap… :wink:

[quote]vroom wrote:
Is your oatmeal consumption time based on cooking? You could either not bother to cook it or cook a big pot and toss it in the fridge.

I’m a bit of an oatmeal fanatic since it is so damned cheap… ;)[/quote]
Nah, it’s just too much damned oatmeal for me to scarf down. I’m a small guy trying to bulk and it isn’t easy. :frowning:

Just make the oatmeal the night before and out in the the fridge.

Another option is putting some oats in the blender with some whey, milk, and fruit…that should be a quick breakfast.

Try 2 scoops of low-carb Grow! and one banana, two tablespoons of Flax seed, 1/2 cup of raw wheat germ, 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter, 1/4 to 1/2 cup of oatmeal, about 6 or 7 ice cubes and 16 oz. of water. Makes great breakfast shake.

If you’re trying to bulk, why do you set aside so little time on one of the most important meal of the day?? (Hope you pay more attention to your post w/o meal ;-))

Get your ass out of bed a bit earlier so you got time to eat and you’ll see that the results will be better.

[quote]Mr. Moose wrote:
If you’re trying to bulk, why do you set aside so little time on one of the most important meal of the day?? (Hope you pay more attention to your post w/o meal ;-))

Get your ass out of bed a bit earlier so you got time to eat and you’ll see that the results will be better.[/quote]

I started making a point of getting up early to eat breakfast when I started cutting before the summer. Now, it’s normal for me. I am up by 4:30am, everyday. Of course, I’m also in be by 9:30 pm, which kinda annoys my wife at times :slight_smile:

For breakfast I mix 8 ounces of skim milk, scoop of whey, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, and one banana in a blender. It provides 36 grams of protein, and plenty of carbs. This works well for me.