Overweight Wife Workout, Limited Equipment?

She’ll just complain about something else if she isn’t…

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heavy strength training every second day, sprinkling walks, short sprints and group training in between, drinking modest amounts like 2 beers or 2 glasses of wine once per week, sleeping 8 hour, eating a lot both the good and the bad, see i’m also fat, working and abiding law. i dont really have double standards if that is what you are after, i’m just trying to help her, she says she wants to reduce. and the deal we made is real, but also that is to encourage her.

true that. maybe its better this way. if she doesnt have this to complain about, maybe she’ll start to complain about my participation in the household chores.

This is where you’re confused. When a woman says she wants an outcome, she doesn’t want you to give her the tools to get to the outcome. She wants you to get why she wants that outcome and acknowledge it.

Once you do that, she’ll have some other nonsense to throw at you the following week.

Life is easier if you just accept this rather than bashing your head against it.


wisdom wisdom

I was just trying to see how similar your lifestyles are. In my own relationship, we tend to enjoy similar activities and that helps us both stay very active. But i have a blazing metabolism and can get away with a worse diet and less activity, so i have to be more concious to not be a bad influence.

Does she have other interests where being active is a side effect? Like loves nature, so goes hiking, etc?

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Having a wife sounds like a nightmare…

You know, some women out there will let you slap their arses and ride them all night, than you can say bye bye the next morning. Fuckin awesome arrange if you ask me.

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It can be challenging and mind-numbingly irritating at times, but it’s not a nightmare by any stretch (if you have a good one anyway).

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her interest is cooking. she does that very well. in a year from when i met her i increased from 84 kg to 98 kg. i have not managed to get rid of that, except i lost 6 kg when she was away for 2 months. which i got back of course.

although the original idea with the deal we made was to encourage her, i think she will fail and i will cash in them 25000 kr. and that will be hilarious.

i actually think she has potential, she tried the dead lift and started immediately to compete with her brother and lifted 90 kg on her first training with good form.

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I’m of the opinion that 99% of the time when a person fails to follow through with an exercise plan, it’s because they’re not doing exercise they like.

Think of it like this: if she loved those circuits you had her doing, then she’d keep at it. Get her to try different sports, outdoor activities etc. until she finds one she likes so much she doesn’t see it as a chore. Couple that with a decent diet and she’ll lose weight without even trying.

There are, unfortunately, people out there who never find something physical they like. They pretty much always stay fat.


I’ve been in a situation not too different from where you’re at. With my wife, it is up to me to set the standard and she will follow. We’ve both been overweight for years. I started working out and she’s seen a change in me. About 4 months later, she took an interest in working out. Another two months, she took an interest in weight training. She likes Wendler’s 5/3/1 and has been getting awesome results with doing that, a lot of cardio afterwards, and changing her cooking habits. Don’t tell her how to lose weight, help her find something she’ll be interested in. Be the man and set the expectations by setting the example. And don’t profit off of your wife staying overweight.

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This is cool man. Do you think you could get her into that more? My lady LOVES lifting heavier & getting stronger & setting new PRs

@Yogi1 hit the nail on the head.

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x2 Yep forget gym, weights and definitly walks for quite some time.

get her to try a bunch of classes like spinning , yoga, wimmenz cardio-butt/zumba whatever and she will eventually find one she likes.

Theres also the old classic: leave her be and just get really shredded yourself and then very,



…subltely mention/demonstrate how you’re getting more attention from young hotties :smiling_imp:


lol. a deal is a deal. i will cash in.

i have tried. she is very competitive, if i can have her compete with someone then maybe. maybe with some kind of handicap system she could compete with me. catch is, then i have to compete and i am not sure i want to do that every training with the dead lift.

Do you think she’d be interested in something like a local powerlifting competition, even a deadlift-only comp? It could certainly give her something to work towards and allow her to let out her competitive side.

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it would be great if something like this could apply. i will start and look around the local area for what we have here.

/br bonoboschimp

Sorry I can’t leave this one alone :slight_smile:
It’s a cooperative thing if done right. I want sex she gives sex. She wants me to do housework, I do housework, and the next time I want sex, she may want me to give something outiside of the bedroom.
If I had to deal with finding one to spank their arse and ride all night, then say bye bye, only to have to go looking for another one, I’d go frickin’ insane. Much easier IMO to find a good one, and train each other, be too stubborn to give up on each other, and ride it out (pun intended).

Of course I’m accused of being old fashioned for believing in the sanctity of a marriage between one man and one woman too. Be that as it may, I’ve been married 28 years, and with her for 31 (Since we were 16), and couldn’t be happier. Hell, if I was any better I’d be twins! Funny thing is that we both tell people we have the other one trained to our liking after all that time, and in a way it’s true - we have learned how to manage each other in some ways, but in other ways are as stubborn as mules.

I’ve heard that “Women marry men thinking they will change and men marry women thinking they’ll never change.” and both ideas are wrong. We enter into matrimony knowing who we are at that point in time, and agree to be married until death we do part, for better or worse, etc., and by George we better mean “or for worse” because when you live with any other human you will see their worst at some point, and they will see yours. Ya just have to recognize it, accept it, and move forward as the team you agreed to be.

Summation: Marriage is not a nightmare but it does involve a lot of work on both sides.

Peace, and may wedding bells ring in your ears soon :stuck_out_tongue: !!

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My wife is getting too skinny, imo…

And she wont hear it when I say her squats are good mornings…

Somebody once said to never coach your wife…

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