Orlando Terror Attacks

Not to mention polygamy where the top men have 5 wives and hordes of men go sexless for long periods.

That’s what makes ISIS so alluring to many men. The carrot of 72 virgins that comes with martyrdom. They are weaponizing sexless men.

This is exactly the reason I retracted my ridiculous statement. It was made more out of emotional anger than anything and as such did not have a place in this thread once I came to my senses.

Once again, thanks for the very good post.

For a dead certainty. I can definitely corroborate that from the descriptions and stories that my close friends all come back with after deployments, particularly in embedded situations. It’s absolutely mind boggling. But then…projection and transference are two exceedingly powerful psychological things.

The level of dysfunction blows my mind.

Seriously good post here.

And here.

While you are decidedly among the most balanced and informed posters on this forum, the above is simply untrue.

The use of drone strikes has increased nearly ten fold under President Obama, while conventional and special operations forces deployments also increased dramatically. The 2009 surge introduced over 30,000 additional troops into the Afghan theater. When Obama assumed office, the Pentagon increased the use of special operations raids (i.e., kill/capture missions) from 675 in 2009 to roughly 2,200 in 2011.

In addition, the raid in Abbottabad agora at UBL was about as “roll-up-your-sleeves” as military operations get. It was far from certain the UBL was the resident of the targeted compound. Despite what officials described as an extraordinarily concentrated collection effort leading up to the operation, no U.S. spy agency was ever able to capture a photograph of bin Laden at the compound before the raid or a recording of the voice of the mysterious male figure whose family occupied the structure’s top two floors. President Obama could have ordered a drone strike, sent fixed wing aircraft to bomb the facility, or refrained from acting at all. Instead, he sent a special operations force to conduct a clandestine kill/capture mission a mere 61 miles from the capital of a sovereign state, and authorized them to fight their way out if engaged by Pakistani forces. To that end, close air support and a quick reaction force were authorized to support the assault element. Robert Gates, reflecting on the raid in a 60 minutes interview, stated that “I’ve worked for a lot of these guys and this is one of the most courageous calls - decisions - that I think I’ve ever seen a president make.”

What do you propose, exactly? Orlando - -as tragic as it is - is an order of magnitude higher than previously inspired terrorist attacks (compare to networked and directed attacks).

I’m sorry, but what do you mean by this?

In relation to previous inspired terrorist attacks. Refer to Clint Watt’s excellent “INSPIRED, NETWORKED & DIRECTED – THE MUDDLED JIHAD OF ISIS & AL QAEDA POST HEBDO” for the difference between inspired, networked, and directed terrorist attacks.

I disagree. The problem is simple, we know what it is. All we need is to do is admit and address the problem with out fear and deal with it decisively. Pretending it’s complicated is just playing into the hands of the politically correct. Screw them. We know what the issue is and how to beat it. It merely requires the cour age to carry it out.
All past issues in the fight are not because the issue is complicated. It’s because of a lack of decisive action and timidity in the midst of action.

A couple of points this morning:

You post concerning the sexual mindset of the average ME male is dead accurate. I have been embedded in Iraq, Jordan, Afghanistan, etc and your experiences mirror mine. From the “Chai Boys” of Iraq to the “Bacha Bazi” of Afghanistan, to the “village gay” as you so aptly pointed out, the ME male practice of sex with males, especially young boys between the ages of 12 to 16 is so widespread, its really is hard to comprehend. enough said on that issue.

Being assigned to a counter intell unit, I receive a daily brief on all the lastest terrorist killings, since this guy was from US/Afghan heritage, the intel basically was on his father while he was here, but, one thing came up during the brief I would like to explain, in case the Stateside media starts criticizing the police.

The intell weenie made this statement “SWAT tried to breech the wall with explosives, but, it failed, so, they rammed”

Let me clear something up here, if you think the police “failed” in their job. This was NOT a military operation, it was a civilian police operation conducted under the guidlines of Florida state law. I have made many an explosive entry, both military and civilain,and there is a totally different set of rules. If I was going to blow a wall for entry on some goat hut with suspected terrorists inside, I could give a fuck less if one of them is killed in the blast. However, in a civilian situation, the police do have worry about using too much agent and the blast killing the hostages they are trying to save.

I will attempt to post a picture of the back wall (not having any luck lately posting pictures), now, I am not a structural engineer, but, that appears to be a concrete block building, and, ( am assuming here) built to hurricane standards, which means, the Rebar (iron rods) are at least 3/4 to one inch in diameter. If you will notice the rebar is showing on the far right picture. Using enough agent to blow a "clean " hole would have sent pieces of rebar flying through out the room, you might as well have tossed in a claymore. Concrete walls with rebar are a bitch and even if you get if right, the hole is still blocked by the rebar, making it extremly hard to crawl through wearing 60 pounds of armor and carrying weapons. Frankly, its a death warrant for the first guy through. Whoever the tactical commander was on the scene, he/she had the forethought to have a backup plan in ramming, had the common sense to have diversionary explosions at the entrance, and, the balls to make the decision. My Respect to all on the team.


I was thinking more so about current events as the related specifically to ISIS, as in Obama has scaled back the use of said tactics in the fight against ISIS even though he and Bush used them quite a bit against AQI, for example.

You are right, though, and I should have been more specific.

I agree with you Pat, we are talking about some 35,000 Isis members many of whom are not actually fighters. One would think that with our sophisticated spy satellites and the many other means at the disposal of the President that we just might be able to stop this gang of thugs. But then again one must have the will to do it. The President must also listen to his Generals and those who know the territory. From what I understand Obama has replaced many of those people because he just didn’t like what they were saying, or it could have been their gender race etc. \

The stooge we now have as President will not even address the name of our enemy.

I like making predictions as most of you know and here is one more. Regardless of who wins in November the ISIS problem will be mostly solved within about one year. Neither Trump or Hillary will have a difficult time killing Muslims whereas Obama doesn’t really want to do it and there is a reason for that.

The sentiment in your last sentence has been on my mind for some time, and reaffirmed just yesterday. Obama is more upset about people speaking badly about Muslims than when Americans are killed by Muslims. When Trump said that Obama was more pissed at him than the shooter, he is fucking right.

Words are worse than actions in today’s world, we live in an upside down universe called fuckdom.


And now there are reports that the weapon used was NOT a AR-15 as the media was quick to once again demonize. But a Sig Sauer MCX.

I know it’s semantics, but is it too much to ask to try and report the news correctly?

I mean there were lawmakers across the country calling for halts in AR production and lawsuits against most of the 6 manufactures who produce AR platform parts.

My god, social media has created a fucking monster of stupid.


I was getting the feeling that this might have been a directed attack. Only because wasn’t there an attempt at a gay parade in California around the same time that this act took place?

No, social media has simply given air to the monster of stupid that has always been there and grows more so each year.

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They did find a guy with a stock pile of weapons just before the pride parade and arrested him. So their may have been either coordination, or eirie coinsidence.

NYT editorial uses tragedy to target radical Isla…Nope, conservatives. What happened was a crime carried out by a cowardly depraved mind. But I still believe the same traditional conservative things that I believed before this happened. I saw Anderson Cooper try to make a point about the Florida AG’s stance on gay marriage and this terrorist crime. Hey Cooper, do you support state recognition of 250 person participating polyamorous marriages? If not, you would some how bear some responsibility for a hypothetical attack on such people. And yes, it is the same. Terrorism hasn’t changed my mind and shame for trying to use this tragedy as a political/cultural weapon.

No, I won’t wear your rainbow ribbon in solidarity. Instead I’ll observe the deaths and the tragedy simply because individual human beings were unjustifiably murdered.

To heck with the Trumps and NYT’s of this nation.

Yes, that was what I was thinking of

Yes, that is apparently waaaaay to much to ask. This was identified as a terror attack almost immediately. The media consistently refers to the PC handbook for how to handle terrorism. Call the attack a mass shooting, refer to him as the gunman, the killer, a homophobe, a Trump supporter, etc. Anything to avoid the word terrorism, islam, muslim, etc. The media is either complicit with Obama in downplaying the dangers of islamism, or he is complicit with them. Either way it’s absolutely infuriating when a terror attack happens and greater pains are given to semantics, literal semantics than the problem at hand.
On top of all this, this terror attack was targeted at the very heart of the PC movement, the darlings of the PC movement, gay people. And somehow they find a way to be madder at Trump or republicans, or conservatives, then the people who actually want them dead.

The capacity for in comprehensible stupidity on the left no longer surprises me. But it still irritates the shit out of me. Americans we murdered in cold blood, directly targeted for being who they are, gay, by an Islamic asshole, whose radical ideals are all to popular amongst his community, and still leftist mantra dominates the conversation. We cannot even come together in a time of tragedy and grieve, fight back and unify to make sure this never happens again. No matter what, you either go all in on the leftist agenda, or you are the enemy, you are the problem. Not the people who celebrate their cold blooded murder. Conservatives are the enemy. Obama’s own words and actions bare this out. He’s mad at the terrorist, but he’s really mad at the gun lobby, and he’s super mad at trump.
In obamaland, it’s always opposite day.

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