Opposite of Honeymoon Period

I have a few things for you. @jimmy401 . The “honeymoon” period is related to dopamine, which is a secondary effect of test. Some get it, some don’t. I didn’t, I expect it is related to my ADD. Your E2 will likely be different on injectable, and you should actually have a lot fewer receptors after years of being low. Being on TRT will slowly result in more receptors.

I had previously read somewhere that when low your body starts making more receptors trying to absorb any t floating around. I guess that would make sense tho to have less receptors for less t

The ones you have might not have been in use, but your body isn’t going to maintain a high number when they are not in use. It will reduce the number to some relative level.

I also have Unmedicated ADD. I have also reaked havoc on my brain over the years abusing all the feel good chemicals. Been clean for years but im sure some of the damage is permanent. I do take methadone and I know opiates have some strong neurotransmitter actions even though methadone lacks the euphia I’m sure it could still effect the lack of a domamine rush from T. Or maybe some kind of seratonin syndrome kind of situation was happening where it was an overload and you feel horrible instead of extra good.

I don’t know all of the mechanics of it exactly, but I know that the dopamine is the honeymoon, and if you don’t process it the same or lack it you don’t get that rush. Take an Adderall with it and you will feel on top of the world, not that I can advocate the use of prescription medicine for or by anyone without a scrip.

I did take adderal for about 3 years at one point but I supplemented on top of my script and was taking almost 140 mg most days for I quit. It turned into just another habit that I did not need.